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Search results

  1. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Custom Abilities by me - Some new abilities

    Here are four new abilities Juggernaut Drive (I suggest using this for pokemons with low attack.) Boosts attack each turn Reverberate Pulse moves will not affect the Pokemon Formidable Spear (Please copy and replace the scripts carefully after reading through the script) This name is...
  2. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Resource Custom Abilities by me

    pokemonspecialist/Aryaman updated Custom Abilities by me with a new update entry: Some new abilities Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Resource Custom Abilities by me

    pokemonspecialist/Aryaman submitted a new resource: Custom Abilities by me - Here are the custom abilities . I am new with the language so I was not able to make new things. Read more about this resource...
  4. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Custom Abilities by me

    Here are the custom abilities I made. I am new with the language so I was not able to make new things. These abilities are similar to the existing ones. Phantom Aura Powers up each Pokémon's Ghost-type moves. It's with the gen 6 moves like fairy aura. If you don't have gen 6 abilities then...
  5. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    In Development Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    Okay so guys added few new features. + Quest system + Mouse support Also now we have our site. Check here More updates will be on the discord server.
  6. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    In Development Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    Hey, Sorry I am not able to update this thread very often, but here is the title screen. Also Here is our game's official discord server. Feel free to join there and chat. https://discord.gg/PehzZZS
  7. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Gen 6 pokemon PBS file 1

    Here is the PBS file of pokemon gen 6. Pokemon PBS Click on the link. Then click on Raw Text and then ctrl + A and copy. (Just telling this because I don't want to answer questions like this "How to copy it?") Rest PBS files can be found here.
  8. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Resource Gen 6 pokemon PBS file

    pokemonspecialist/Aryaman submitted a new resource: Gen 6 pokemon PBS file - Pokemon Gen 6 PBS file Read more about this resource...
  9. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    In Development Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    We are looking for a scripter to get the things done. If anyone interested dm me here or on discord. My tag: Pokemonspecialist#5473
  10. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    In Development Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    Here are few new screenshots. (They may change in-game)
  11. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Completed Pokémon Gaia Version

    Finally it released. Can we use our old save file or we have to restart. I am fine with it though.
  12. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    In Development Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    Here is brief of the story. In this game, You are poor but you live a happy life with your cousin and your aunt. But then few incidents changed everything. Your lovely home in the Envei region is now under threat from some nefarious group who seem to possess a personal interest in you. All you...
  13. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    In Development Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    Here is the main theme of the game.
  14. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Recruiting Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    I am the creator of Pokemon Misanthropy v2. I am looking for a tileset creator who can create gen 5 style tilesets. Right now we need some interior tiles. Dm me or message here if you want to help. Other help is also accepted.
  15. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    In Development Pokemon Misanthropy V2

    Credit goes to xUMG for the logo "Misanthropy” is a term used for humans who hate humankind. Story In this game, You are poor but you live a happy life with your cousin and your aunt. But then few incidents changed everything. Your lovely home in the Envei region is now under threat from some...
  16. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Entertainment What's your favorite Pokémon?

    Here is my list. Psychic- Gardevoir , Alolan Raichu Dark- Tyranitar, Absol and Umbreon Fire- Charizard, Typhlosion and Talonflame Water- Greninja ,Swampert and Mega Blastoise Flying- Talonflame and Crobat Grass- Sceptile and Venasaur Dragon- Salamence, Garchomp and Mega Charizard X Steel-...
  17. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Resource Portraits in text messages

    That's good.:grinning: I want to ask something. How to add this feature: If we choose girl character, the portrait will be of girl. If we choose boy character, the portrait will be of boy. If anyone could help me in this.
  18. pokemonspecialist/Aryaman

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    Can anyone help me in finding Mega evolution battler sprites?