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  1. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    It's a glitch where you get to gym level 4 and the next event doesn't trigger so you can't progress in the game your just stuck at level 4 The games still playable you just can't move along and finish the game
  2. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Maybe that's why, I'm playing 4.2.1 and I've been gym leader for over 100 days and nothing happens so stuck at gym level 4 will try 4.2.0 and see if that works
  3. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    A lot of us are stuck on gym level 4 as it won't trigger the next event how you mange to get all 8 lol
  4. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    If you go to the previous page 96 there a comment about downloading the previous version to potentially fix the issue then just redownload the newest version hopefully it works.
  5. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    I think it's a bug as a few people are stuck at gym level 4 whereas others have gotten further, the games still in progress though.
  6. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Ghost - misdreavus, duskull, drifloon Dark - sneasel, stunky, houndour Dragon - bagon, gible, deino Ice - swinub, bergmite, lapras Poison - nidoran male, nodoran female, skorupi Fighting - riolu, tyrogue, makuhita Water - buizel, horsea, chinchou Normal - eevee, munchlax, kangaskhan Fire -...
  7. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Yeah your probably glitched there are many people having the same issue as you myself included. I'm currently restarting a bunch of times to try and figure out what triggers the next event to move the story along but so far no luck 😔 Is it not possible to rest anyway. Does the game not ask if...
  8. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    What does it say when you try and sleep in the bed
  9. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Have you tried reloading the save and finishing the vacation again? I'm dragon gym and it's happened to me a couple times so I don't think it's isolated to one particular gym type
  10. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    😂😂😂 Probably about an hour of grinding the pokemon levels so not to bad tbh just went back to level 50s. And yeah that level 70 guy I met him when my team were all around the 50 Mark and damn it didn't take long for them to get knocked out 😭😭
  11. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    No worries I found it out the hard way 😂 That dude destroyed my whole team with 6 moves.
  12. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Your meet him again at some point good luck with that battle 😂 Also don't level up to level 100 as it crashes the game so just be careful
  13. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Are no menus or buttons working for you?
  14. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Yeah but its not the whole team, I made the mistake of leveling one of my pokemon up quite a bit while the others stayed lower and it was a struggle 😂 Yeah the girl with the blisseys is crazy but she's helpful especially because when she appears she says stronger trainers have heard about you...
  15. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Saving before vacation sounds like a good idea just incase. I find it mostly freezes when I take single vacation days so I try and take atleast 2 each time but it might be different for other people.
  16. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    I had this problem a few times, I just reloaded my previous save again and it worked. When's the last time you saved the game will you lose much progress?
  17. J

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Found this game recently and I'm really enjoying it but I can't seem to get past gym level 4, I've defeated Edgar in the badlands, and have been going to the gym and defeating trainers for ages I'm on like day 100 of being a gym leader and I can't seem to progress any further, I watched someone...