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Search results

  1. Macer84

    Understandable, have a great night.

    Understandable, have a great night.
  2. Macer84

    Completed Pokemon Void

    I'm stuck in the distortion world, the only(?) way forward is blocked by a log and there isn't anywhere else i can go, any hints?
  3. Macer84

    Released OpenPokemon - Beta 0.03

    Sounds neat! Looking forward to future updates
  4. Macer84

    Completed Pokémon: Old Amber

    Not sure if you realized this, but Oak does have a granddaughter in canon, her name is Daisy Oak, and she's the person who gives you the town map in FRLG. The game looks really good, excited to play it.
  5. Macer84

    Entertainment I BAN U -- NO U Game!

    BANNED for being a Mela simp
  6. Macer84

    Completed The World Inside my Room

    The game looks gorgeous! Can't wait to play it!