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Search results

  1. N

    Released Pokémon Victory: Beta 1.0.4 (New Pokeballs, Berry System, & QOL features!)

    Are there nature mints? I met professor Birch and got a bulbasaur with great IVs but a bad nature.
  2. N

    Completed Xenoverse: Per Aspera Ad Astra [by WeedleTeam]

    That makes sense. Thankfully I have some plans as it is so it wont matter too much for now
  3. N

    Completed Xenoverse: Per Aspera Ad Astra [by WeedleTeam]

    I've played this off and on, and decided to do so again after getting a new computer. I never got to ask before but are there ability capsules/patches and nature mints?
  4. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    Im just gonna give up on the dioscord server... I dunno why but it wont let me past login despite being online on discord at this very moment.
  5. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    BAH. The invite just isnt working like it should. It should automatically have the server pop up in my list of servers but nothing happens.
  6. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    yes I have a discord account, I'm on it right now. And ouch sorry about that.
  7. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    Im trying to reach through the link pinned to the first page. It keeps taking me to Discord's "sign up to discord" page instead.
  8. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    Heres the image. View: https://imgur.com/wL0Pp6X BTW, is the discord broken? I would like to join it but I dont get a server invite and I dont have my server list full.
  9. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    Had another softlocking error in battle when opponents were trying to change pokemon. This one with the team rocket tag battle in Columbia. There may be a lot more with this error in the entire game.
  10. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    also I had a error using Cut in battle. It doesnt crash or softlock thankfully but I figured I would mention it. The error causes the move to do no damage at all.
  11. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    Its too bad that from the PBS files that Oshawott doesn't get Secret Sword in some way like it does in newer games via egg move. It's be awesome if there was a special in-game event where one of the swords of justice can teach a pokemon the attack (Gallade, Oshawott, Scyther/Scizor) since it'd...
  12. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    Thats ok, no worries thanks for getting to this as quick as you have.
  13. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    I came across this bug in the first gym. After beating one of the trainers' turtwig, they found themselves unable to send in their next pokemon and the game softlocks. View: https://imgur.com/dvOmc4P
  14. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    BTW something I noticed; when I install all the fonts it keeps saying I am missing fonts despite having all the fonts necessary in the folder. Also a while back I had issue joining the discord server too saying it doesnt exist.
  15. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    Thank you, I cant wait to try this out. While I get the arguments some people have against the nature mints and whatnot, I've disliked the level of RNG it takes to get a sufficiently strong pokemon for a long time, so having the mints as an option helps so much.
  16. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    also are there any other starters? The PBS file says Bulbasaur is the only wild encounter so I hope others are found as gifts somewhere.
  17. N

    Completed Pokémon Beyond DX

    I like this story concept. Are nature mints a thing? If not that wont matter too much outside of the general annoyance of RNG but I think I can make due. Does hyper training require level 100 pokemon to utelize or is the limit 60 like we see in Scarlet and Violet?
  18. N

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Is there any nature mints or a variation thereof? What about increasing IVs? I was afraid based on how this game is set up that I wouldnt really be able to get the right nature/IV combo for any of the pokemon I picked up and I was right. Having to breed them all over will be a massive chore...
  19. N

    Completed Pokémon Deserted

    Are there nature mints or some equivalent? Not being able to save before getting Wilson is annoying as I have to go through character creation over and over to get what I want. Also what are Wilson's base stats? They seem very high for a level 10 spheal after putting it through an IV calculator.
  20. N

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    where can I find Bulbasaur or other canon starters? The encounter list doesnt show them so I presume they are gifts but where are they? EDIT: Also are there nature mints?