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Search results

  1. http404error

    Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

    Thanks, we intend to do some marketing after the next patch. I believe in the game's ability to sell itself once you know about it and get into it a bit, but we haven't put effort into spreading the word yet.
  2. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    This is mentioned in the description and at the top of the code: Included is code to autosave every 100 overworld steps. Feel free to edit or delete it (it's right at the top). So yeah, just go into the script file and delete the autosave part, it's the first thing after all the explanatory...
  3. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    @DragonXT @GhostPunishR FYI I have just released Auto Multi Save for v21. Thanks for your interest.
  4. http404error

    v21.1 Auto Multi Save - Auto Multi Save for Essentials v21

    Hello everyone, by popular demand, I've ported this plugin to Essentials v21. Please report any issues you encounter! I occasionally ran into some console output about sprite disposal on the save screen, but it seemed like a fluke that didn't cause functional problems.
  5. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    http404error updated Auto Multi Save with a new update entry: Auto Multi Save for Essentials v21 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    Did you follow the complete guidance for altering your pause menu? Here's what it says: The last line in particular should accomplish what you're expecting. I don't think making exiting into a global variable is the right answer. Having an actual cancel button wouldn't be a bad idea either but...
  7. http404error

    Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

    @GubGar Thanks for playing, and for leaving a nice review! Naturally, we agree about the benefits of altering the core gameplay recipe :) Yeah, I know what you mean, there are some areas you might want to visit frequently that are a ways away from a good fly spot, such as the Queen's Garden...
  8. http404error

    Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

    Perish Song has been renamed to Pokémon: Salt & Shadow! (We wanted to improve our searchability.) Salt & Shadow has been updated to version 1.5.3! (click to download) As always, you will keep your save game when updating. This time, your save folder should also automatically be renamed. Major...
  9. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    The first thing I would try would be to delete the load_in_bootup for game_system and see how that shakes out. It's possible this could cause some other issues which I didn't see, but I think it's worth trying:
  10. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    You are correct, thanks. I updated the link incorrectly recently. It's fixed now, I think.
  11. http404error

    v19 Use Special Dex Art for EBDX 1.0

    (Special thanks to PaulCabo for testing this plugin and providing the example image.) By default, EBDX uses the animated battler front sprite for display in the Pokedex listing and entry pages. If you would rather use different art instead, say the default Essentials sprites, or any other art...
  12. http404error

    Resource Use Special Dex Art for EBDX

    http404error submitted a new resource: Use Special Dex Art for EBDX - Change the Pokemon sprites used in the Pokedex (or optionally the PC as well) Read more about this resource...
  13. http404error

    Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

    Hello, thanks for your interest in our game. There is no fast forward option built in. You can adjust the text display speed in the options, and you'll receive the Running Shoes after the intro area. Fortunately you don't need to grind XP in our game, but I could see still wanting to speed up...
  14. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    That's a very interesting problem. Can you show me your event code? At least the parts that are relevant to the timer. I can do some sleuthing about. I guess the timer info must be stored in a variable that's set to load before you even select the file, so it's pulling from your latest save...
  15. http404error

    Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

    Perish Song has been updated to version 1.4.3! (click to download) As always, you will keep your save game when updating. Major features: Puzzle Battles: Enter the memory of a battle that broke another wanderer, the one that made them finally give up hope. You take on the team they had and try...
  16. http404error

    Resource Auto Multi Save

    It is planned. I think you're close to the first to request it though, so it wasn't a high priority to me. I don't know how long it will take yet, but I'll look into it.
  17. http404error

    Resource Pokemon Level Cap Using Base Stats

    Can you explain what kind of differentiation you want to have here? As long as you can make the desired behavior you want clear enough, it should be easy to help achieve it. I'm sorry you had this much trouble with it. Naturally I don't really know what your approach to this problem was, so...
  18. http404error

    Battlers Resized Pokémon Sprites from Gen 8/9 Packs 1.0

    Many users have reported that they're not able to get the Gen 8 Pack's auto sprite scaling to work when porting to Essentials v21. Instead of trying to fix the scaling code, I decided to just pre-scale them all. Front sprites should all be 192x192. Back sprites should all be 288x288. Does not...
  19. http404error

    Resource Resized Pokémon Sprites from Gen 8/9 Packs

    http404error submitted a new resource: Resized Pokémon Sprites from Gen 8/9 Packs - If sprite scaling isn't working for you try these pre-scaled Pokémon battle sprites Read more about this resource...
  20. http404error

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Yeah, only if you're lucky enough to encounter a shiny Pokemon though, I believe because isCommander? is accessed through the pbCommonAnimation code path.