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Search results

  1. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Hey thanks for using my plugin and I appreciate your words. About your issue, the text screen flashing like that isn't something I can do much about I'm afraid, at least the same happens for me too sometimes. About the other issue, that's really strange, I'll have to look into it once I can. Do...
  2. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ewj5NVV32FxmctNV51FYnujCCRiq0GJJ/view?usp=drivesdk Here are the utilities version you should be using. It's my fault if you were unable to get them. Let me know if you still have trouble and consider joing my discord server. It'll be easier to help you there.
  3. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    You shouldn't be using v3.0.0 in essentials v20.1 can you just show me what the error is for v2.7.0? Maybe you have installed wrong version of my utilities plugin. Join my discord if you can, it'll be easier helping you that way
  4. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    V3.0.0 and above is not compatible with v20.1 so that error is normal, stick with v2.7.0 or consider updating your project with v21.1
  5. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Seems to be a little oversight from me, if you want to fix it without enabling progress counter, go to line 34 in 008_RegionMap_ProgressCounter and change echoln_li to Console.echoln_li
  6. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Arcky updated [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map with a new update entry: v3.1.0: Region Map Connecting Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Arcky

    v21.1 [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map - v3.1.0: Region Map Connecting

    Hello, it's been a while but I'm back with a new update for this plugin! Attention: This plugin (update) requires Arcky's Utilities v1.0.7 or higher to function correctly. Once you've installed this, start a new save to avoid malfunction. Bug Fixes: Fixed a scrolling issue in the Pokedex when...
  8. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    I'll give it a look when I'm home but if you can please join my discord if you can, it'll make communication much smoother
  9. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Another question, did you start a new save after installing this plugin?
  10. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    I'll look into it but since Eevee Expo is only working at noon, I couldn't look at the error you sent anymore. Can you eventually join my discord server? It'll make it easier to help you out
  11. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    I'll check it once I'm home But 3 questions: Are you using the latest version of the plugin (v3.0.0) Does this happen on all maps or only specific map? Do you have a MapPosition defined in the map_metadata for all maps?
  12. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Poké Market

    That's strange, I'm sure I tested the plugin a lot with the unreal time engine. As long as you're on v1.4 of this plugin you should be fine. If possible send me more details on discord
  13. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Also now that I've looked better at your error, there seems to be some issue with the flatten method that's being overwritten in that utilities plugin. Flatten is a built in ruby method so if that's being changed to provide different functionality, the problem lays at that utility plugin and not...
  14. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Sorry for the late answer, the issue seems to be with a custom method of the Swdfm Utilities you're using. I'm not familiar with that so I'm not sure what the problem is.
  15. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Cool, happy to hear that fixed it :)
  16. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    That's usually because another plugin is trying to load my plugin first while my plugin is loading that one first. To fix it, check if all your plugins are up to date.
  17. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Then you have installed the update incorrectly, follow the instructions on the guide. The problem you're facing is that you have remains of previous versions which gives you that crash.
  18. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Was this a fresh install or an upgrade to v3.0.0? On first sight, you might have installed the new update wrong, make sure to follow the instructions on the guide I made. If you still have trouble join my discord server so I can help you there
  19. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    My plugin and the weather plugin from Lin have always been working together without any issues and this crash is not referring to my plugin so I recommend asking Lin instead.
  20. Arcky

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    It does work with those plugins, just check the graphics in the Pokédex folder of the plugin (when you downloaded it), there's a folder called modular UI, that's the one you need. It's also explained on the guide I made. I hope that helps. Consider joining my discord server if the problem is...