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Search results

  1. Gardenette

    Released Project Untamed

    If that's true then we likely will update at some point, though I didn't see anything about performance changes in the change log for v21
  2. Gardenette

    Released Project Untamed

    Appreciate you asking. We're doing well. Progress is happening, slowly but surely
  3. Gardenette

    Resource Tip Cards

    Works well! I'm just gonna tweak it for my project so the list shows to begin with rather than being a toggle (if you have seen more than 1 group) :) Thank you!
  4. Gardenette

    Resource Tip Cards

    My goodness, the speed. I'll try it out soon
  5. Gardenette

    Resource Tip Cards

    That would be legendary. No rush of course. You're providing a free service :)
  6. Gardenette

    Resource Tip Cards

    Yeah, I've done it. I was just wanting more of the multiple items showing as a vertical list. But that's okay
  7. Gardenette

    Resource Tip Cards

    What I eventually want is to emulate Scarlet/Violet's adventure guide. I had a list like this before, but I ditched it for your plugin because it's nicer in other ways. Is this kind of list planned, or should I go ahead and tweak the plugin? There's not enough room for the list AND the...
  8. Gardenette

    Resource Tip Cards

    How are you so great, wrigty? Genuinely one of my favorite creators. Thanks so much for this script that looks leagues better than what I homebrewed for my project lol in both appearance to the player and in code.
  9. Gardenette

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    @Frooziemon per your question in the the reviews - "If you put this script above the v20.1 Essentials Hotfixes, or if you have the hotfixes as a plugin, this will overwrite the method for selling items, and selling items will not be counted towards achievements. I just copied the code from the...
  10. Gardenette

    Resource Voltseon's A-Star Pathfinding

    Hey Voltseon, As far as I'm aware, this isn't built into the script, and it would probably be very difficult to do, but do you have an idea of how I could get an event to pathfind away from the player?
  11. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    Please read the bit in the instructions about changing a line in Easy Mouse System
  12. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    Can you show the errors and also how you tried adding it?
  13. Gardenette

    v20.1 Pokémon Amie - Code Refactor, Item Compatibility

    Hi all, Thanks to Victorcarvalhosp in the discussion thread on this resource, the code has been refactored a bit to cut some clutter, and item compatibility has been improved. They fixed some errors with berries that I had not encoutered. As usual, if you encounter a bug, please post in the...
  14. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    Gardenette updated Pokémon Amie with a new update entry: Code Refactor, Item Compatibility Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    I appreciate it. I will check it out
  16. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    Looks like the original script doesn't have compatibility for Leppa berries. Are you expecting it to restore PP of moves during Amie or just have the pkmn eat it and be happy? One is easy and the other is probably not easy.
  17. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    When does this happen? What were you feeding the pokemon?
  18. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    I think what you have in the image should out it in the pause menu. If you have another script or plugin that modifies the pause menu, your code there might be being overwritten
  19. Gardenette

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    Can you show a picture of the command prompt window when you load up that background? It might show an error
  20. Gardenette

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    Well for it to work with that script, you would need to keep the save files that have the achievements completed. If you start over with no save files at all, it wouldn't work since the plugin searches other save files. If you mean like from a coding perspective how would it look, I don't...