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Search results

  1. Payou

    Audio Where are your thoughts of my Music

    I said "space" but I don't really know how to explain it. What I mean is that your instruments are overlapping too much and we can't really make out what to listen to
  2. Payou

    Audio Where are your thoughts of my Music

    Yo, I'm not a music composing expert but I'll try to help you with my feedback. Here's how I feel : Drums sounds cool but feels like it's too loud. The main instrument sounds odd and I feel like it's off-key I guess that's still a WIP but too much is going on from 0:57 to the end and cuts...
  3. Payou

    Completed Pokemon Assassins: Night Wind

    Everything works fine for me, the fact that it says Game.ini is missing when it's clearly here is really odd. Have you tried again since last time? Sometimes just rebooting the computer fixes everything.
  4. Payou

    Resource Character Customization Resources (Gen 4)

    Hey, thanks for sharing your work ! Those are really good assets that you can implement in any Pokemon fangame. I'm currently making multiple .psd files to share with you guys. The point is to help you create your own sprites using Poltergeist's assets without having to trouble yourself with...