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Search results

  1. M

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    How did you set it up to have a achievement based on a switch?
  2. M

    Resource Pokedex Tasks

    That would be fantastic. It would be cool to invoke the feeling of completing a Pokedex page.
  3. M

    Resource Pokedex Tasks

    Does completing all the tasks increase the shiny rate?
  4. M

    Resource Mega MewThree's Achievement System for v21.1

    How do I add an achievement based on a variable count. Don't see an example in the text file.
  5. M

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Yep, that was the problem! Thanks for the help!
  6. M

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    It's not that. I tried removing the pluggin, and both issues went away. So it seems like its tied to the pluggin in someway to it. And the blank page for the Pokedex is still present. Edit: Fixed the Blank Pokedex page. Just the wrong image. Still running into Unknown ID 29 error when opening...
  7. M

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Ok, I downloaded a new version, and am now running into two different issues. When I try to open a map, I get this error: [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.6] Exception: RuntimeError Message: Unknown ID 29. Backtrace: GameData:176:in `get' [Arcky's Region Map]...
  8. M

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    After Opening the Pokedex and selecting a Pokemon to look at.
  9. M

    Resource [v20.1\v21.1] Arcky's Region Map

    Just a stack level too deep error. Any idea what could be causing this problem? [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.6] Exception: SystemStackError Message: stack level too deep Backtrace: [Arcky's Region Map] 010_RegionMap_Pokedex.rb:13:in `pbStartScene' [Arcky's Region Map]...
  10. M

    Resource Voltseon's A-Star Pathfinding

    Just capitalize everything after PBMoveRoute:. Add _ where spaces should be.
  11. M

    Resource [v12+] Difficulty Modes

    Does this work for version 21?
  12. M

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests 2.0

    Has anyone created a Gen 3 style version of the XY male ace trainer overworld sprite? Only see a DS version.
  13. M

    Resource Pokémon SM/USUM Characters and Trainers OW Sprites in Gen III Style

    Is anyone doing this for the gen 6 overworld trainers in gen 3 style?
  14. M

    Resource Badgecase

    I just want to show the first 8 of the badges in the badge case. I currently have 16 badges, but I want the second eight to be hidden until later in the game. Once the player gets the case they can see all 16, even without giving a single badge.
  15. M

    Resource Badgecase

    This gives the badge. How would I only show the first eight? addBadge(:EARTHBADGE) nor removeBadge(:EARTHBADGE) work to limit the badges down to 8.
  16. M

    Resource Badgecase

    Where specifically do I add this line of code? It doesn't seem to work in an event. I've tried doing both addBadge(EARTHBADGE) and addBadge(Gamedata::EARTHBADGE) and addBadge(8) and none of these seem to work.
  17. M

    Resource Encounter list UI (v19+)

    Apparently the arrows got deleted entirely from the game. Don't know how, but reinserting them worked. Thanks for the help.
  18. M

    Resource Encounter list UI (v19+)

    Got this error: [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.5] Exception: RuntimeError Message: Bitmap's width (32) is not a multiple of frame width (40) [Bitmap=Graphics/Pictures/rightarrow] Backtrace: BitmapSprite:44:in `initializeLong' BitmapSprite:94:in `initialize' [Encounter...
  19. M

    Resource Name Windows

    I've got the version 21 code in, but it doesn't seem to work. Just seeing \xn[text] and nothing else. I don't have anything else added in the script section, and I don't think any of the pluggins i have conflict. Did I need to add some new code elsewhere?
  20. M

    Game in progress- publish or wait?

    I’d recommend taking one or two cities, a gym, and a few routes into a demo build and get input on that