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Search results

  1. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    I thought I replied to this my bad. The other two mega stones are found in the post game with your two rivals.
  2. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Just wanted to announce that WolfTaiko released a video on his perspective of making Abstract! Y'all should check it out if you have the time View: https://youtu.be/Vo9RtC-v3UE?si=2hBkkoymu9e5uCiM
  3. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c8opJOeHMTQfH-r2if_SkKjYBXI-06EY/view?usp=sharing yeah that's pretty normal for this game. Expect to be like level 100 at the end of the game bcs of the level scaling lol Hope you're having fun though!
  4. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    yeah I never got the chance to implement the location system. If you want, I can send you the encounter pbs files, but that's the best I can do for you. Also the starters can be found in Agenomi Remains! They just have really low spawn rates, like 5% iirc
  5. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    The Pickaxe is in Manilor Gym The Surfboard is earned after doing Asher's quest in Zepomo City. The Climbing Gear is in Latol Town The Flying Taxi Ticket is in Agenomi Remains
  6. Nandthesword

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Can I have another plot please 🙏
  7. Nandthesword

    so ohio sigma rizzler of you alpha...

    so ohio sigma rizzler of you alpha...
  8. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    I finally updated the Abstract thread! Version 1.10 is finally officially out and will likely be the final version of Abstract. (Unless there's some game breaking bug I just happened to overlook) Sincerely, thank you to everyone who's left any positive messages and feedback in the threads over...
  9. Nandthesword

    Team Mapper Eevee Expo Team Mapper: Trial I (Completed)

    Plot 39! (I went ahead and made it, if not i'll just remove it lol)
  10. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Yeah! They’re in Oregalite City in the bottom rightmost house
  11. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Yeah I gotchu! In fact, I’m posting it here so if anyone else wants to see the pbs files they can. The only difference in these pbs files is that the three starters can be found in Agenomi remains. View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c8opJOeHMTQfH-r2if_SkKjYBXI-06EY/view?usp=drivesdk
  12. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Jangmo-o can be found in Mythir Ridge iirc! If not I’ll check my computer tmmr and let you know!
  13. Nandthesword

    Freelance Nand’s Comms :D

    Update: My commissions are now closed! I'll update this post when/if I reopen them!
  14. Nandthesword

    Freelance Nand’s Comms :D

    After my next two commission requests I’m going to be closing them off! Idk for how long, but I definitely need some time to catch up and actually work on my projects lol. Let me know if you’re interested though because it might be awhile before I reopen them!
  15. Nandthesword

    Freelance Nand’s Comms :D

    USD! I should probably change the symbol on the comm sheet because that’s just the Pokedollar symbol that came with the emerald text lol
  16. Nandthesword

    Community Streams

    I'm doing some funky streams sometimes. View: https://www.twitch.tv/nandthesword I'll probably tend to stream fangames (playing/devving), but who knows! I'll def be streaming when jam games drop (like i'm doing rn lol)
  17. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Okay! So basically, you need to get surf from Agenomi Remains and rock climb from Latol town after coming in from Raccolo Town. Then you should be able to access the steel and fighting gyms.
  18. Nandthesword

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Hikikimora (the female evo) is Bug/Ghost with high speed and big attack, but is considerably less tanky. (stats are 59, 120, 80, 141, 120, 80) Domomoth (the male evo) is Bug/Normal with high bulk and really good attack, but is slow. (stats are 141, 80, 120, 59, 80, 120) Hikikimora gets...