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Search results

  1. Thunderbird games

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    hello, I'm currently expirencing an error with pokemon EBDX with the battle enviroments, when ever i attempt to put a map as a battle enviroment it just wont work and it stays as the default, I've put it in the PBS\EBDX folder maps text file, as shown below, any ideas how to fix would be...
  2. Thunderbird games

    Resource Voltseon's A-Star Pathfinding

    I figured out how to update the script to v21.1 linked below! v21.1 pathfinding
  3. Thunderbird games

    Resource Voltseon's A-Star Pathfinding

    hello, i keep getting this error anyone know how to fix it [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.3] [EBDX v1.4.1 (E21)] Script error in event 34 (coords 28,18), map 6 (home) Exception: NameError Message: uninitialized constant PBMoveRoute::Left ***Full script...
  4. Thunderbird games

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    yeah i tried messing with the config options but that didn't effecet the issue
  5. Thunderbird games

    Resource Elite Battle DX (EBDX) - Unofficial port for Pokémon Essentials 21.1

    Hello, I'm currently experiencing an error with ebdx when enabling custom animations that make the Pokémon move it makes the pokemon suddenly double in size, the same thing also happens when the shiny Pokémon animation plays, any idea how to fix
  6. Thunderbird games

    Resource Encounter list UI (v19+)

    heres the error code [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.1] [EBDX v1.4.1 (E21)] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `pokedex' for nil:NilClass Backtrace: [Encounter List UI (v20)] 002_UI_Encounters.rb:163:in `block in drawPresent' [Encounter List UI (v20)]...
  7. Thunderbird games

    Resource Encounter list UI (v19+)

    Hello, Any maps with map connections when I open the menu causes the game to crash
  8. Thunderbird games

    Resource [v20\v21] Item Crafter UI Plus

    it worked now just had to reinstall it
  9. Thunderbird games

    Resource In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

    tried that didn't change anything, and I've tried recompiling
  10. Thunderbird games

    Resource In-Depth Pokedex Data Page [v21.1]

    hi i keep on getting this error when opening the pokedex [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.0] [EBDX v1.4.1 (E21)] Exception: RuntimeError Message: Unknown ID 0. Backtrace: GameData:176:in `get' UI_Pokedex_Entry:24:in `pbStartScene' [Pokedex Data Page] [001] Page...
  11. Thunderbird games

    Resource Better Region Map

    I've encountered an error with your plugin [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.0] [EBDX v1.4.1 (E21)] Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass Backtrace: [Marin's Better Region Map] Marin's Better Region Map.rb:52:in `initialize' [Marin's...
  12. Thunderbird games

    Resource [v20\v21] Item Crafter UI Plus

    hey dose anyone know how to fix this error i keep getting [Pokémon Essentials version 21.1] [v21.1 Hotfixes 1.0.0] Script error in event 4 (coords 9,1), map 2 (frost test) Exception: RuntimeError Message: Invalid Recipe ID BreakMaxRevive. ***Full script: pbItemCrafter(pbGetRecipes)...
  13. Thunderbird games

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    hey im trying to add another menu to the pause menu the badge case menu but 005_VoltseonMenu_Entries is not there, is there a different area to put the menu into?
  14. Thunderbird games

    Resource Badgecase

    you were right it worked, thanks
  15. Thunderbird games

    Resource DPPT Font (Power Clear) aligned for v20.1

    how do you make it the default font? i tried myself and all the text is suck at ariel
  16. Thunderbird games

    Resource Badgecase

    i keep getting this error when i try to enter the menu, my guess is something ive messed up with voltseon's pause menu [Pokémon Essentials version 20.1] [v20.1 Hotfixes 1.0.7] [EBDX v1.3.3] Exception: SystemStackError Message: stack level too deep Backtrace: [BadgeCase] Badgecase_UI.rb:24:in...
  17. Thunderbird games

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    The quest name on the main quest selection screen
  18. Thunderbird games

    Resource Modern Quest System + UI

    Hello dose anyone know how to change the text colour I've been stuck on this for days, I'm not very smart...