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Search results

  1. S

    In Development Pokémon Sol Version

    Sometimes it's said error 403 sometime it just white screen on the browser when access the website but maybe it's just my connection
  2. S

    In Development Pokémon Sol Version

    I don't know why i can't access the website but from the screenshots the game looks good and hearing worlds tournament make me happy because that my favorite feature Also i think you need to make short demo maybe when the game near ready maybe 6 or 3 months before this out because you say you...
  3. S

    Recruiting Team EONS now Recruiting! (Musician Needed )

    I will wait for the demo to better understand the game. Because i rarely use discord 👍🏻
  4. S

    Recruiting Team EONS now Recruiting! (Musician Needed )

    I can't help with anything because i don't have the skills but i wish you the best result and the best luck with the game. The project maybe will continue to finish but also maybe not because i understand that nothing cemented in pokemon project but Hope someday this out and stay healthy dev...
  5. S

    Released Pokémon Spesius Demo

    the story so far is good. I feel little bit just said disoriented in sense that i think some of gen 5 graphic not really combines well with the gen 4 graphics i think but maybe it's only me, other character except the mc have little bit downsides design but maybe as i said maybe only me feel...
  6. S

    Completed Pokémon: Salt & Shadow

    Your game deserve more attention. It's truly unfortunate that many poketuber not finding this because the gameplay not suitable for click bait people just as eyrei creator of pokemon vanguard said in his channel this pretty good game. This game give challenge and sometimes frustration yet reward...
  7. S

    Released DesktopPokemonLab

    Welcome to the forum also the pokemon look cute in there
  8. S

    In Development Pokémon Zirconium

    Glad to see this good screenshot update and you're healthy. I honestly thought the development maybe on hiatus or stop but I'm glad is wrong. Hope the demo out someday and stay healthy
  9. S

    Recruiting Pokemon Dragonvale is Recruiting!

    I don't know about the game quality because there no demo but from the picture it looks amazing. Good luck on the game project and stay healthy 👍🏻😊
  10. S

    Released Pokemon: Ruins of Lavender V.2

    Also i forget to say good luck on the other project like red 2 elle and stay healthy 👍🏻
  11. S

    Recruiting (Scripting) Pokémon Bloodlines is looking for help!

    I don't have any skill to help but i hope you a best luck in this and stay healthy. I always follow this since it first post on reddit. I hope someday this out
  12. S

    Recruiting Pokémon Evergreen - Recruiting now!

    I don't have any skill to help but i hope you a best luck in this and stay healthy. I hope someday this out
  13. S

    Recruiting Pokemon Majesty Recruitment Thread

    I see this on reddit and always follow the map post. Good luck and hope this out someday
  14. S

    Released Pokemon: Ruins of Lavender V.2

    Simple yet good for battling experience. I enjoy ths
  15. S

    Released Pokemon Alden (5 Badge Demo)

    I think because this is new region and new story the game deserve original protagonist sprite. Other than that i love all about the game
  16. S

    Released Pokémon Blazing Hope and Boundless Dream (Demo Version) (v21.1 Update)

    To be honest I'm pretty suprised myself despite how the sprite look the game actually fun and not really different from original pokemon game. I hope more people give chance. Stay healthy
  17. S

    Released Pokémon Aragonite - DEMO 1.3.1 RELEASED

    Thank you for the update really excited to play this during my free time 👍🏻
  18. S

    Eevee Expo Selects: June 2024

    I hope the forum have some kind of game jam event in future to
  19. S

    Discussion Recommendations for fangames in Gen 4 style?

    The most faithful i think pokemon eon guardians
  20. S

    Completed Pokémon Phantom's Lair

    Hey this actually pretty good👍🏻