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Search results

  1. Westrah

    Resource Pokédex BW Style

    Also praying for a 20.1 update ;-;
  2. Westrah

    Resource Gen V Summary Pack DX

    Is it in the works or already possible to have the Background image scrolling/moving in the Party Menu like it does in the Summary Screen?
  3. Westrah

    Resource Reimagined Dragonite

    Would you be able to do a similar redo of this back sprite? For games using later gen sprites? I'd love to use this resource but the back sprite included wouldn't match with the rest that I'm using ;-;
  4. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Unreal Time System

    Is there a way to make this script work with Apricorns so that they respawn after "24 hours" of this scripts time?
  5. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Character Selection

    went the game variables route and got what I wanted to do to work perfectly. Thanks once again for the quick reply and excellent help!
  6. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Character Selection

    I'd like to make a conditional branch event happen based on what selection the player made with this script. For example: ConditionalBranch: "Player Selection" = 1 #thing-A happens else ConditionalBranch: "Player Selection" = 2 #thing-B happens else #etc, etc Do you know how I could do this...
  7. Westrah

    Resource BW Speech Bubble

    When using Type 2: Is there any way to dictate whether the text bubble appears at the top or bottom of the screen? It seems to be random, sometimes appearing above, sometimes below. Example of the bubble appearing at the top of the screen when I'd rather it appear at the bottom:
  8. Westrah

    Resource Westrah's Non-binary Support

    16.2 uses a different coding language, this would not work for anything before v20.1
  9. Westrah

    v20.1 Westrah's Non-binary Support 1.0

    I have been interested in creating a fan-made game with a third gender/genderless option for a long time. Most to all support for this option that I have found however is for older versions of Pokémon Essentials. So, I decided to work on scripting a way to add a completely separate and...
  10. Westrah

    Resource Westrah's Non-binary Support

    Westrah submitted a new resource: [PE v20.1] Westrah's Non-binary Support - Step-by-step script/guide on adding a third NB playable character option to your game. Read more about this resource...
  11. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Character Selection

    Did this and got everything working great! Thanks so much for the explanations!
  12. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Character Selection

    One final thing (sorry) and this is likely user error again. But how do I get the game to recognize the choice I've made? Everything displays properly according to the script but after "selecting a character" the player is still defaulted to the standard pokemon trainer Red. Do I need to assign...
  13. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Character Selection

    thank you for the quick reply. Extendtext seems to have fixed my issue 👍
  14. Westrah

    Completed Pokémon Deserted

    Was wondering/hoping if the OP (or anyone) would let me know how they managed a third "gender option" in this game? Been trying to figure out a script/plug-in for that myself with little luck and would love to add this option to my own works as it seems to work seamlessly in this game. Any...
  15. Westrah

    Resource [PE v19.x] Non-binary Support

    Can confirm it indeed does not work for Essentials v20.1. I've attached a full screenshot of the error screen which seems to be the same as Nars. Now that it's a full Plug-In and no longer just lines of script I'm afraid I am unsure where to begin so any attempted fixes from me are unlikely this...
  16. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Character Selection

    I do have all the graphics
  17. Westrah

    Resource [v13+] Character Selection

    Thought this looked pretty neat and decided to give this resource a try. I am having issue/errors with it however and was hoping someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong: The only thing I have changed is the color of the background image from blue to gray. As seen in my error screen attached...
  18. Westrah

    Completed Pokémon Deserted

    I have tried pressing every keyboard button imaginable, but it seems that there isn't a hotkey for "Registered" items, making registering anything pointless. Is this just not added yet, overlooked, or am I missing something? Any response or help with this would be great so I don't have to always...
  19. Westrah

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    You can hire literally every single applicant. All not hiring an applicant does is slow your reputation gains. It's tied to your PC clock settings. There are however, no time-of-day sensitive encounters from what I've found after playing through 1 and a half times.
  20. Westrah

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Oh, I see. This wasn't explained very well in game. I've already beaten the game with my Water Type run, but this is good to know for future playthroughs, so thank you.