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Search results

  1. C

    Resource Changed move type display script

    Charmingloopy updated Changed move type display script with a new update entry: Added liquid voice Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. C

    v21.1 Changed move type display script - Added liquid voice

    Added liquid voice to the script Credits to Smellyski for the code
  3. C

    Recruiting Pokemon Made And Lost

    We are currently looking for people who are able to help make maps for made and lost's Region Mixxia. We are also looking for some people who are good at balancing, making pbs files or know a bit about competitive to assist us in creating balanced and interesting hybrids. Feel free to dm me...
  4. C

    Resource Changed move type display script

    Im guessing you could try doing what the actual ability does. not entirely sure but I can check later
  5. C

    Resource Changed move type display script

    added hidden power. let me know if there are any issues
  6. C

    Resource Changed move type display script

    Charmingloopy updated Changed move type display script with a new update entry: added hidden power Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. C

    v21.1 Changed move type display script - added hidden power

    added hidden power to the type ui display script so now it will display it's type
  8. C

    v21.1 Changed move type display script

    here is a short script that changes the type displayed of moves affected by abilities like pixilate to their new type, the script also makes hidden power show its type. # updates move type ui based on abilities that change it. class Battle::Move def type_ui_modifiers(battler) # if...
  9. C

    Resource Changed move type display script

    Charmingloopy submitted a new resource: Changed move type display - Move UI qol Read more about this resource...
  10. C

    Resource M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore)

    the Ability Double cross is not in the pbs meaning it causes a error when it goes to check if a pokemon has the ability
  11. C

    Recruiting Pokemon Made And Lost

    We are looking for some more mappers to help bring the region to life. Join the discord and make a ticket to apply. Feel free to apply for other positions as well.
  12. C

    Recruiting Pokemon Made And Lost

    we have a event going on were you can create your own hybrid that has a chance to be put in the game Submit your drawings of a water type hybrid in the channel event-submissions on the discord. Winner will be put into the game! ⁠ The deadline for this event is October 5th!
  13. C

    Recruiting Pokemon Made And Lost

    we are still looking to recruit people
  14. C

    Recruiting Pokemon Made And Lost

    It's finally here!!
  15. C

    Completed Pokemon Soulstones

    I must have really bad luck then
  16. C

    Completed Pokemon Soulstones

    I was wondering if there was a way to give myself the shinycharm when i first start game because i want to do a shinylocke but don't have a lot of time to shiny hunt