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Search results

  1. Astefia

    Changes to Levitate mechanic: more intuitive but probably a bit OP?

    How would the balance of Ground type be affected by these changes? 1. Levitate is not an Ability anymore, but a characteristic of a pokemon species. They are either levitating or not, like they are a certain color or not. Anyone who had Levitate as an ability gets a new ability instead. Yes, the...
  2. Astefia

    Puzzles that make more sense: ideas

    I wanted to return to the old fangame project of mine, and thinking about it gave me an idea. So, all those Team-something lairs that are blocked by puzzles. They don't make much sense - any intruder who's into puzzles can easily break them? and a member will waste some time solving them...
  3. Astefia

    Affection mechanics: can they be fair?

    I was watching a Let's go playthrough and started thinking about affection machanics of barely holding on or shaking off status effects. They always felt extremely unfair to me, since they cannot trigger for the opponent. But can they even be implemented in a way such as they can fairly trigger...
  4. Astefia

    In Development Pokemon Fern and Pokemon Sunflower

    Welcome to the cozy and humble region of Goldenfields! Take a stroll through our fields of sunflowers to the river rapids, mountain ranges and sea waves, listen to the charming Singingales and have a cup of berry tea before setting out in search of the mythical Fern Flower. The next Solstice...
  5. Astefia

    Resource Dhelmise pre-evolution - sprites and PBS

    Astefia submitted a new resource: Dhemise pre-evolution - sprites and PBS - A hook, a chain and some seaweed Read more about this resource...
  6. Astefia

    Resource Sunnydra sprites with PBS

    Astefia submitted a new resource: Sunnydra sprites - Because Sunflora needs some evolutions Read more about this resource...
  7. Astefia

    Resource IV vitamins

    Astefia submitted a new resource: IV vitamins - IV and happiness rising items Read more about this resource...
  8. Astefia

    Resource Cosy cabins interior big tileset (gen 3 style)

    Astefia submitted a new resource: Wooden interior big tileset (gen 3 style) - A collection of various tiles for gen 3 interiors of wooden buildings Read more about this resource...
  9. Astefia

    Resource Forest huts (by idilio & ekat) door opening sprites

    Astefia submitted a new resource: Forest huts (by idilio & ekat) door opening sprites - Now the Fairy Woods tileset is really useable Read more about this resource...
  10. Astefia

    Resource Singingale (a nightingale fakemon)

    Astefia submitted a new resource: Singingale (a nightingale fakemon) - A Ukrainian regional bird Read more about this resource...
  11. Astefia

    Released Pokemon Fairy Delta

    Game Title: Pokemon Fairy Delta Game Screenshots: Game Download: Fixed a bug with a rival for thosw who chose Shinx: https://mega.nz/file/Fw9wELLS#dVEvFBcGGSWk65Po5gK4sRZT6SyB2l-LQjGMQiDFnaM (deelpy sorry for the unoptimized download, my complessed file unpacker kept crashing!) Fixed a major...
  12. Astefia

    Resource Pokemon Fairy Delta Game Jam resource pack

    Asto submitted a new resource: Pokemon Fairy Delta Game Jam resource pack - My tileset, custom autotile and open resources used to create Pokemon Fairy Delta. Read more about this resource...