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Search results

  1. Brom

    Survey: General Hardware Specs and OS

    Hi, I'm Brom, as some of you may already know, and I'm working with Toby (formerly sukoshijon), Fontbane, Frog Wizard, and two others on a project currently known as Project SF (working title). For those who don't already know, Project SF is going to be a 3D fan game based off of the look of Gen...
  2. Brom

    Resource Misc. VFX from BW2

    Brom submitted a new resource: Misc. VFX from BW2 - A zip of various overworld VFX from Pokémon Black and White 2 Read more about this resource...
  3. Brom

    Making Fan Games vs. Making Original Games

    So, a thing that's been on my mind a lot is if I should switch to making my fan game into an independent game, separate from the base of Pokémon. Things I've noticed as positives from independent works over fan works is that you can promote it as much as you want without the concern of a C&D or...
  4. Brom

    Recruiting Assembling a Team for Project SF (Working Title)

    [Recruiting] Looking to recruit: A secondary planner A secondary concept artist A secondary scenario writer A 2D sprite artist/tile artist A mapper Project Title: Project SF (Working Title) Team Name/Team Members: Toby (sukoshijon) Progress/Screenshots: Overall, the general plan for the plot...
  5. Brom

    Tips for Making a Good Fan Game Team

    For a long while, I had trouble trying to get my team interacting in my private developer server and working on my game. I did learn a few things that I wanted to help spread to other aspiring developers. Tip 1: Give clear objectives If you already have a team together, but they don't actually...
  6. Brom

    3D Fan Game Development: Tools and Features

    Ever since the release of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, many young players clamored to make a 3D Pokémon game of their own with there being little success in completing fan games that look like the games on the DS. However, thanks to recent developments, some groups have come forward with ways to...
  7. Brom

    Gameplay Battle Rework

    Recently, I've been playing Persona 5. I don't particularly like the battle system in Pokemon. I just find it boring and monotonous where you just press A on a move until the opposing Pokemon faints. In Persona however, I find battles to be somewhat compelling even though they essentially are...