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Search results

  1. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    PBS may contain unused data. Hisuian starters are not available in v7.
  2. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    The keybind on pc is the "Z" key. IDK about JoiPlay. You'll want to change the keybind to something you can use. The official name for the button is the "action" key. So set the "action" key to some button you have.
  3. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    Yeah in that case try using 1.20.015 instead.
  4. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    Seems to be a ruby error. Are you sure you installed the right version of JoiPlay? Because the error shouldn't occur otherwise.
  5. RegalSword

    Other Screenshot Collage Templates - 3x3 border transparent version

    Apparently I never uploaded this one.
  6. RegalSword

    Resource Screenshot Collage Templates

    RegalSword updated Screenshot Collage Templates with a new update entry: 3x3 border transparent version Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    Try using JoiPlay version 1.20.015 and the RPG Maker Plugin for JoiPlay version 1.20.19. These are the versions players have confirmed work with the game.
  8. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    Check if the plugins folder is intact and make sure it is not missing anything. Alco check your version of JoiPlay. I think the issue might have to do with how JoiPlay supports UTF-8 encoding.
  9. RegalSword

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    How do you get the code for the moves and abilities to work in v20?
  10. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    You'll have to wait for the next version, which has not been released yet. The version you currently have is a 1 gym demo.
  11. RegalSword

    Resource Emerald Interiors Resource Pack [WIP]

    Is the download button supposed to link somewhere? I encounter a dead mediafire link.
  12. RegalSword

    Released Gym Manager 2023 - A Roguelike Pokemon Experience

    Oh hey, you're the creator of Pokemon Winter! It's nice to see you back with another banger!
  13. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    How did you make it to the 2nd gym and cave in the first place? The version you're playing shouldn't give you access to that.
  14. RegalSword

    Resource Deoxys Base Reworks

    They look very dynamic! You did a great job!
  15. RegalSword

    Released Pokémon Cadenza

    Yeah, I can relate.
  16. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Delta

    From the screenshots alone it seems like this game will have a great atmosphere to it. I can't wait to see what you have in store!
  17. RegalSword

    Released Pokémon Cadenza

    That cutscene you posted in the screenshots is well made!
  18. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    There should be an "encounters.txt" in the game folder. That lists the available Pokemon for your version of the game. This game only has a battle tower. unzip just like the main game folder. copy and paste contents of patch into game folder and hit overwrite all. Yes. Game Corner prize. You...
  19. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    You don't. v6 only goes that far. Okay so if the backtrace is correct the issue is likely the loading of the "size" property added by the Essentials Deluxe plugin. When that feature was added to said plugin, it required the start of a new save so I can only assume your save file is old enough...
  20. RegalSword

    Released Pokemon Itinerant

    The version you see now is the remake version, which is an episodic release as opposed to the original version, which was a full complete game.