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Search results

  1. Rhyden

    Discussion Username Backstories

    Raiden is the English way of spelling Raijin, the Japanese god of thunder and lightning. But I got tired of people saying Raid-en so I switched up the first part a bit. Plus, I also like Rhydon a lot so that worked out for me.
  2. Rhyden

    Released Pokemon Cannabis Edition

    Your credits section looks a bit off. For one, my cries pack has audio ripped from Gen 7, not Gen 6. But that's not really an issue. However, if you used the Gen 6 Overworlds from here then you should probably give credit to Sparta for those as well. If not, then disregard that. I'm looking...
  3. Rhyden

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests

    Does anyone know where to find Gen 2 styled sprites for 6th & 7th Gen Pokémon? At least for now I'd like to know where I can find Goomy and Jangmo-o sprites. Or was gen 2 too big of a mistake for people to make them?
  4. Rhyden

    So close to finishing my jam game yet so far...

    So close to finishing my jam game yet so far...
  5. Rhyden

    Creative Make a Fakemon Game! v2.0

    Now we wait and see what it becomes. :^]
  6. Rhyden

    Released Pokémon Order & Chaos

    As a whole it looks pretty nice. But the screenshots only showcase the Overworld for the most part. If there are about 70 new Pokemon, do you think you could include a few images of them as well? Even if all 70 of them aren't finished I'm sure you have a few to show off considering the demo is...
  7. Rhyden

    In Development Pokémon Comet

    The region map looks spectacular and the overworld variations are quite appealing. This game is looking very solid right now, with the exception of the ambiguous 2-liner plot. But I suppose you're trying to keep your project as spoiler free as possible. I'm looking forward to seeing where this...
  8. Rhyden

    Creative Music, anyone?

    Yeah, I just did that up in past two hours or so. Maybe you can get your team to post their project here as well. I'm sure the nice people around here would like to take a look at it and even leave some comments.
  9. Rhyden

    Creative Music, anyone?

    Thanks for sharing your tools with me! I appreciate all the information as well. Here's a little test I did with Edirol and Squidfont. What you said about them was pretty accurate and they both sound pretty and charming in their own ways. Also I've subbed to your Youtube. Looking forward to...
  10. Rhyden

    Creative Music, anyone?

    Your instruments sound really smooth and bright while the bass is nice and firm when it needs to be. They really do make your pieces flow so well! Of course, the music is only as good as its composer makes it, so props to you for bringing out the best of these songs in your arrangements. If you...
  11. Rhyden

    Really digging Hitmonlee right now for some reason.

    Really digging Hitmonlee right now for some reason.
  12. Rhyden

    Talking protagonist

    I think it's fine if they talk if they're taking part in a conversation. It always kind of bothers me when an NPC asks you a question like "What's your name?" and it's just answered by a gap of silence. But I don't think a protag should be talking to themselves that much since it's up to the...
  13. Rhyden

    Overwatch is $20 on PC right now if anyone was ever wanting to buy it :eyes:

    Overwatch is $20 on PC right now if anyone was ever wanting to buy it :eyes:
  14. Rhyden

    Resource Just Some Hi-Res Ultra Beast Sprites (192x192)

    As different as it is from the other UBs, I love the lighting on Guzzlord. He looks like he has spotlights on him as if he were a monster in some Godzilla movie. But Nihilego and Xurkitree have the most consistent and smoothest lighting so I'm gonna have to say that they're my favorites here...
  15. Rhyden

    Entertainment Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    So I finally got around to picking this game up yesterday after one of my friends let me play BotW on her Switch the other day (after that I felt the urge to keep playing so I threw down the money) and I've been having a pretty good time with it. It's pretty crazy how open the game is and what...
  16. Rhyden


    Well, there's a large nostalgia factor for me from gen 2 since I played a lot of Silver as a kid, but a lot of things as a whole would've not existed if Johto didn't come around to provide their foundations. Some of my favorites include: Togekiss. Mega Ampharos with its glorious hair. Baby...
  17. Rhyden

    Discussion Happy birthday thread!

    Huppy Buffday to @Sparta :DDD
  18. Rhyden

    Resource 7th Gen Pokemon Cries for Every Species

    If that's the case, I named Mega Cries like that so they'll automatically work.
  19. Rhyden

    Resource 7th Gen Pokemon Cries for Every Species

    Raiden submitted a new resource: 7th Gen Pokemon Cries for Every Species - Updated Cries for Every Pokémon Between Gens 1-7. Read more about this resource...