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Search results

  1. Rhyden

    Released Pokémon Infinite Fusion

    I've always loved the idea of a game that's just Pokémon fusions and I'm really glad to see a project like this come as far as it has. Really hoping you can find more people to help you out with the custom sprites since there's a whole lot more that can be done with fusions than simple face...
  2. Rhyden

    Existing is kind of hard sometimes, you know?

    Existing is kind of hard sometimes, you know?
  3. Rhyden

    Completed Hitmon! Jam

    I'm glad you enjoyed the game! A post-game update is already being worked on and it'll flip most aspects of the game on its head. It should be out sometime before the end of the year since it's not that big of an update, but I can't promise anything.
  4. Rhyden

    Creative The Great Relic Castle Fake Off

    One of the first things I thought of when I read "Shadow" was a hippo. Why? Because they dive in deep water and sometimes the only thing you can see is their silhouette. So I made a little Ice hippo and a bigger Ice "hippo." He kinda ended up looking like an alligator but I think that's OK...
  5. Rhyden

    lmao nevermind I'm in.

    lmao nevermind I'm in.
  6. Rhyden

    I swear I'm gonna get fired from PR before I'm even hired.

    I swear I'm gonna get fired from PR before I'm even hired.
  7. Rhyden

    Releasing a Game

    I learned that you should definitely have someone play through your whole game before you post it. For the most part you'll be testing in debug mode and when someone's playing off of the executable file things won't always work the same way they did in debug mode. My game was actually unbeatable...
  8. Rhyden

    Completed GALMI

    Yes, Porygon-Z is definitely a Digital Quack Machine.
  9. Rhyden

    Completed GALMI

    It was pretty cool for the story to be told indirectly with very few words. I know you guys didn't have much time to work on the game and considering that it was pretty good and interesting. Also, two of the birds are my favorites flying types so that's a personal plus from me. And on the...
  10. Rhyden

    Completed Hitmon! Jam

    So here's my answers in numerical order: 1) :^] 2) It was totes an oversight but it is kinda funny. 3) You'll have to wait until the Danger Noodle patch to see. 4)Ledge jumping both ways was an accident but it makes sense for Machamp now that I think about it. I don't know what went wrong with...
  11. Rhyden

    Completed Banette & Guilmon - A Pokemon Movie

    This was a very good story and it felt pretty relatable with the themes of depression, willpower and such. It kind of hurt to watch because of that but even if it was saddening I still enjoyed it for what it was, a quality piece of entertainment. Never stop writing stories, Pap.
  12. Rhyden

    Completed Hitmon! Jam

    You know, I kinda do want to do a sequel without the burden of a time constraint lingering over my head the whole time, but I have bigger and better projects to work on so I can't promise anything. And you're only missing one TM. Here's a list of all of them and where to find them.
  13. Rhyden

    Completed Pokémon Edge Rising (2022 Revengeance Update)

    This game was definitely... an experience. For a game that mocks stereotypes about edgelords, the story was pretty deep and engaging. Visually, everything came together really well and I'm genuinely surprised with how much of a game there actually is to play. It's a lot better than other things...
  14. Rhyden

    So glad the jam is over. Now I can focus on doing other projects. Although I'll probably add...

    So glad the jam is over. Now I can focus on doing other projects. Although I'll probably add post-game to Hitmon! in the future. :eyes:
  15. Rhyden

    Completed Hitmon! Jam

    I'd always nickname my Machamp JOHN CENA and our original project idea was gonna have a meme song in there so I figured the memes had to live on somehow. Side note, your Squeak Squad remix you posted is pretty sweet, just got around to listening to it.
  16. Rhyden

    Resource Hitmon! Jam - Resource Pack

    Rhyden submitted a new resource: Hitmon! Jam - Resource Pack - Come on and slam, and welcome to the *part where you share all the stuff you made* Read more about this resource...
  17. Rhyden

    Completed Hitmon! Jam

    Plot: Have you ever thought to yourself "Man, I wish I could play as a Machamp?" Me neither, but I made a game where you do anyways. In Hitmon! Jam, you're a Machamp who takes up the Journey of Traditions on Melee Mountain. Your goal is to defeat the three Masters of Fighting, Hitmonchan...
  18. Rhyden

    Hitmon! Jam - Resource Pack - Hitmon! Jam - Resource Pack

    So we did a lot of things. You'll find Sun and Moon styled pre-battle mugshots of Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Hitmontop in here courtesy of Shyacinth, animated Pangoro and Tyrantrum sprites (and Terry Crews) by LlamaMinister (though he didn't make the original P and Ty sprites so check the...
  19. Rhyden

    Creative Super Duper Butter Pixel

    I need this Cleffa in my life.