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Search results

  1. Lucidious89

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    The trainer still needs a Dynamax Band. All the regular Dynamax requirements are still necessary.
  2. Lucidious89

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    I specifically went out of my to make DBK incompatible with EBDX.
  3. Lucidious89

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    The download link takes you directly to the guide.
  4. Lucidious89

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    The guide explains why Sudowoodo doesn't animate. Its on purpose. Xerneas animates fine in battle. It only doesnt animate out of battle when its in its Neutral Mode form, because no animated sprites exist for Neutral Mode Xerneas. At least, none that ive found. If you have any youd like to...
  5. Lucidious89

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Yes, CTRL skips all eligibility checks while in debug mode and just assumes that Dynamax should always work when held. The same is true for Z-Moves, Tera, etc. Your "ignore" commands would never work normally because you didnt put them INSIDE any midbattle triggers. Theyre just floating out on...
  6. Lucidious89

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    I'm not really that invested in figuring out how or why this isn't working, tbh. All the individual mechanisms seem to work as intended, it's more an issue of compiling them all together in a way where the logic flows the way you want it to. Which sorta goes beyond the scope of this thread imo...
  7. Lucidious89

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Ok, a few things: Partner Dynamax AI The reason the partner AI isn't Dynamaxing at all is because they don't have a Dynamax Band in their inventory. Before you say "but I'm sure I gave it one in the PBS data", I'm sure you have, but there's a bug in Essentials where partner trainers do not...
  8. Lucidious89

    Resource Dynamax [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    I'm confused. Is the issue that Dynamax isn't working for the trainer at all? Or is is that Dynamax works fine, and your issue is just that you don't know how to build the specific mechanics you want for triggering it?
  9. Lucidious89

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Ah, I know why. It's actually working fine and completely as intended. The issue is just that it's setting Stealth Rocks on the opponent's side. Which makes total sense if you read what your script is doing. It's saying "when the target foe is hit with a Super Effective move, start the Stealth...
  10. Lucidious89

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    You're setting Stealth Rocks to 2, which doesnt make any sense. Stealth Rocks doesnt set layers like Spikes or Toxic Spikes do. Stealth Rocks is more like Sticky Web in that its just either active or inactive (true or false).
  11. Lucidious89

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Have you tried recompiling? EDIT: Nvm, the problem is that the download link on my website is up to date, but not the links in this thread. I delete the links posted here. Just use my site, those links will always be the most recent ones.
  12. Lucidious89

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    I think I kinda get what the issue is. This all sounds really annoying. I'll look into it at some point.
  13. Lucidious89

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Gotcha. The Animated Pokemon System plugin allows for Super Shiny sprites to be given a different hue to differentiate them from normal shinies. It does not allow for Super Shinys to have their own independent sprites. Neither that plugin or this one provides that feature. A raw copy/paste...
  14. Lucidious89

    v21.1 Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] - v2.0.4 Update

    Fixed several issues that would cause crashes while in the Safari Zone. Overhauled all of the visuals and graphics for all UI's added by this plugin. Changed how sprites for move flags are stored to make it easier to add sprites for new custom move flags. Changes to a move's properties from the...
  15. Lucidious89

    Resource Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Lucidious89 updated Enhanced Battle UI [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] with a new update entry: v2.0.4 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. Lucidious89

    v21.1 Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] - v1.0.7 Update

    Plugin Updates: Updated the metric files for all newly-added sprites. Updated the POKEMON_UI_METRICS in the plugin Settings file for all relevant sprites. Sprite Pack Updates: Replaced the following sprites with improved versions that either had better art or animations: Mega Charizard X...
  17. Lucidious89

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Lucidious89 updated Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] with a new update entry: v1.0.7 Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Lucidious89

    v21.1 Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] - v1.1.2 Update

    The Radiant Tera Jewel item will no longer incorrectly recharge the player's Tera Orb when used by an AI trainer.
  19. Lucidious89

    Resource Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Lucidious89 updated Terastallization [DBK Add-On] [v21.1] with a new update entry: v1.1.2 Update Read the rest of this update entry...