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Search results

  1. TechSkylander1518

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    If you truly think your time is so valuable that you can accuse someone of being "anti-consumer" because you tried to download something that didn't work on your system, then I'm sure you have better things to do than complain here. As I said before, you've provided no information to...
  2. TechSkylander1518

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    As Armin says earlier in the thread, this game has been in development for four years. v18 Essentials (the version used here) was released in 2020, not 2018. This is a free game, you haven't paid for anything and are therefore not a consumer. It's not fair to developers to say that they've...
  3. TechSkylander1518

    Resource Pokemon Gym Trials Resource Pack

    If someone doesn’t want people to use their assets, they probably won’t post them to the resource section. These assets were made for a jam entry, and all jam entries have to make their new graphics publics as part of participating.
  4. TechSkylander1518

    Resource Modular UI Scenes [v21.1]

  5. TechSkylander1518

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Did you extract the file?
  6. TechSkylander1518

    Completed To The Lake

    And now for the rest of the review!
  7. TechSkylander1518

    Completed Pokémon Nightmare

  8. TechSkylander1518

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    Your edit came after I had already posted. You don't need to do that, either, you just need to compile. I cover compiling at the top here - https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1259/
  9. TechSkylander1518

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    No, it doesn't. If that was really the case, don't you think that would be reported on every v21 resource? Especially the v21 hotfixes?
  10. TechSkylander1518

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    This is telling you that LevelUseMoveCount isn't defined as an evolution method in the scripts. Make sure the plugin scripts have been compiled.
  11. TechSkylander1518

    Resource BW Location Signposts (v19.1)

    The easiest way to find out is to playtest yourself.
  12. TechSkylander1518

    Resource Random Pokémon selector

    The whitelist is just an array, there’s no size limit.
  13. TechSkylander1518

    Released Tales of the Outskirt Stand

    https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1165/ https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1261/
  14. TechSkylander1518

    Released Pokemon This Gym of Mine

    Check the mailbox outside your house.
  15. TechSkylander1518

    Resource BW Storage System

    As I said earlier, you need to make the changes with this script, as in, the .rb files in the plugin.
  16. TechSkylander1518

    Resource BW Storage System

    Show the changes you made to the script.
  17. TechSkylander1518

    Completed Pokémon Promenade

    All Essentials fangames are .exes…