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Search results

  1. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    I made no plans, nor do I have plans, to incorporate debug menu features seeing as there is no easy way to make those plug and play nor compatible with other scripts that do modify debug.
  2. PDM20

    Resource Random Battle Generator

    that single call does nothing, look at the picture just above it, you'll notice something called 'generateBattle' that is what actually starts a battle
  3. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    1) Make sure you're on the newest version of the script 1.2.1 2) Locate all Instances of '.pbStartBattle' and double check that 'newWindowSize' is above and below it inside conditions. the only script I personally know that has an addon melding this script into another is the ZUD plugin on PokeComm
  4. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    either use a conditional branch or use extendtext.exe in the script box
  5. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    PokeMiner20 updated Essentials Modular Battle Scene with a new update entry: Bug Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. PDM20

    Essentials Modular Battle Scene - Bug Fix

    Noticed a small conditioning problem that would prevent allies from working as truly intended. fixed that up
  7. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    PokeMiner20 updated Essentials Modular Battle Scene with a new update entry: Bordered Partners! Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. PDM20

    Essentials Modular Battle Scene - Bordered Partners!

    EMBS V1.2 is now out! Redownload the Zip File and replace what you already have with what's new it's not much tbh, new code and 1 graphic :P so what has been added? -A Battle Border! This enables automatically upon entering one of the other screen (Bag, Party, Summary) and preserves the higher...
  9. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    PokeMiner20 updated PartyPlus with a new update entry: New Version! Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. PDM20

    PartyPlus - New Version!

    Version 3 is now out for Essentials 18! the new feature is Benching, which allows you to limit the number of pokemon the player may use in battle.
  11. PDM20

    Resource Random Battle Generator

    PokeMiner20 submitted a new resource: Random Battle Generator - A Generator for all kinds of battle Read more about this resource...
  12. PDM20

    Random Battle Generator

    Greetings, this is a port of ☆Rei☆'s Random Battle Generator for Pokemon Essentials Version 18. this includes compatibility for my Modular Battle Script found here For better documentation for use check out ☆Rei☆'s Original Post here
  13. PDM20

    Essentials Modular Battle Scene - Core Fixes

    Update to V1.1 Changelog: -Fixed an error relating to the core script -modified battlers positions
  14. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    PokeMiner20 updated Essentials Modular Battle Scene with a new update entry: Core Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. PDM20

    Resource Essentials Modular Battle Scene

    PokeMiner20 submitted a new resource: Essentials Modular Battle Scene - A simple way to add more variants of battle Read more about this resource...
  16. PDM20

    Essentials Modular Battle Scene 2.0.2

    Greetings, PDM20 here for another weird script. this time it's half cosmetic half functional. With the release of V18 we were told 'with some coding knowledge one could program in a higher number of battlers' so I did that. I've gone and modified the game to allow for those higher number of...
  17. PDM20

    Resource PartyPlus

    PokeMiner20 submitted a new resource: PartyPlus - A Changeable limit to the Player's Party Read more about this resource...
  18. PDM20

    PartyPlus 4.0.3

    Ever thought that it'd be cool to play a game that allows you to travel with more than 6 Pokemon? Now you can, with this script! Party Plus is a Plug and play script I made that can now increases AND Decrease the Pokemon Party Limit to 22 new party limits. Just install this script above Main in...
  19. PDM20

    Recruiting Recruiting anyone for Pokemon Virus project

    I offer up my abilities as a scripter
  20. PDM20

    Resource Multiple Protagonists

    I'm getting a 'You are the only character' message when starting the game as female, swapping to male via event, then using the menu command to swap back. not sure why tho EDIT: Found a hot fix, don't worry about it.