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Search results

  1. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    It seems that you're missing the Animations.rxdata file in the Data folder of the game. I'd suggesting re-extracting the game folder from the .rar file you downloaded. Please make sure you've extracted all the files!
  2. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    This literally NEVER happens... I think Cornelius likes you too much to want to let you go >__< Do you mind DM-ing me your save file so that I can get you out of the house? (Discord @armin3507 or here on Relic Castle). Thank you so much and apologies for this! Actually, scratch that, I know why...
  3. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Hi! Thank you so much for trying out my game! The main character isn't the easiest guy to love, I admit, so I'm really, really happy you enjoyed playing him as much as you did. <33 I assume you've already upgraded your game to v1.2, as detailed in the post above yours? If you haven't, please...
  4. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    The game will remain in v18 until the very end. It's currently far too entrenched in the v18 engine (with way too many events and script edits) for me to warrant an upgrade to a newer engine. That would require me to spend a whole lot more time and effort than I'm willing to, and unfortunately...
  5. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to play the game and leaving such a kind and thorough comment! It really made my day <33 To answer your questions: - Eevee can be obtained from the Casino for 6666 Coins or by catching the daily Jolteon in the Secret Glade and breeding! (Although the...
  6. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    You can try this Google Drive link! -> click here Or maybe you can try downloading it from the original link again after waiting some time -> click here
  7. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Thank you, I hope I complete it too! >__< Act I (first 4 Gyms) took me ≈4 years to make, so I'd estimate that Act II (second 4 Gyms) would take around the same amount of time as well...? No promises, though!!! Chances are high that I'll be totally off in my assumption, since life loves derailing...
  8. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Here you go -> click here
  9. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    You can try, but I do not guarantee that the game will run smoothly on JoiPlay, and will not be able to provide support for any problems that may crop up on that app. You may want to refer to NikDie's guide on how to set up JoiPlay. Thank you for trying it out! ^^
  10. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    In that case, perhaps you might want to try following the instructions in this video or this thread? Basically, go to your Advanced System Settings -> the Settings button in the Performance section -> Data Execution Prevention ->check the "Turn on DEP for all programs except those I select" box...
  11. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Hi! Please make sure that you the folder you extracted contains everything shown in the below image. And make sure that you're clicking the yellow highlighted program shown in the image. If you did all of the above and the game still doesn't open, perhaps you might want to try deleting the...
  12. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Think of it as a 4x4 sudoku with colors instead of numbers. If you're still stuck, feel free to refer to the game guide for puzzle solutions!
  13. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Technically, all Rockruff in the game regardless of ability will evolve into the Dusk Form in the evening (5:00pm to 7:59pm)... which isn't possible in v1.0 because of my oversight, and has been fixed in v1.1! Thank you for pointing it out! The game has been updated to Version 1.1, with the...
  14. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    The password is ... which has been fixed in the game guide! Thanks for asking your question, wouldn't have noticed the mistake otherwise! Hi! Thank you so much for trying the game out! You'll get EXP Shares after you defeat the 1st gym and you'll get to craft Aprishakes (a lesser version of EV...
  15. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Hi!! Thank you so much for playing the game! Glad you enjoyed it so far! <33 And thank you for reporting the crash... but the event was working fine for me all this while. It's quite difficult for me to solve something that I haven't been able to replicate on my computers/only occurs sometimes...
  16. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Aaaahhh really, thank you so much for your kind words, and for playing the game till that far!!! <3333 I hope you've cleared the 4th gym puzzle by the time you see this comment, but if not, the game guide has a map of the gym without the darkness, if that'll help. Flash is usable in the area...
  17. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    None of the above is currently available. Breeding is planned for next part. As for IV/Nature changing... I'm still undecided. ><
  18. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Charmander and Meowth are only able to learn False Swipe in Gen 9, whereas this game uses Gen 7 learnsets (and pretty much everything from Gen 7). As such, they can't learn it in this game. Pokemon that can learn it are the likes of Seedot and Nincada. It's useful in helping you catch Pokemon...
  19. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    Thank you so much for trying it out! ^^ That's one beautiful Charmander! And you're probably one of the few people I've seen who uses the screen borders haha ^^ I'm so sorry for all the trouble the lag is causing :( maybe it's an issue with certain computer systems (???) since none of the...
  20. Armin

    Released Pokémon Crimson & Cobalt (Act I)

    That's so strange... it seems that wild encounters on that specific route are causing the crash for you (but they're working fine on the computers I've tried it on). Perhaps you might want to try avoiding as much grass as you can as you make your way to the next city? Buying a Repel might help...