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Search results

  1. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokémon Mineral

    Thanks for fixing everything so far. I'm afraid I've got a new issue for you. I'm getting an event script error when I try to go back to Oreburgh with Rorark.
  2. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokémon Mineral

    I seem to be stuck in the solaceon ruins. I can't seem to be able to go back up the stairs from the room I'm in. There doesn't seem to be an event to bring me back to the previous room.
  3. M.T.Pockets

    Released Pokemon Legends: Apotheosis

    In regards to the system stack error I think it's very possible I had hit f12 relatively recently in both cases, but I don't recall for sure. As I said, I restarted so I'd been resetting for a starter. The error came a little while later when I was exploring the cave. In the other case, it would...
  4. M.T.Pockets

    Released Pokemon Legends: Apotheosis

    I finished the game. Giving credit where its due lots of art was taken from Bushido, but the stuff you did (and there was plenty) was so beautiful! So many nice overworld sprites and trainer sprites. It was all just so pretty! I was pleasantly surprised by the difficulty too. You really need...
  5. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokémon: A Star in the Desert

    Oh yeah Kyhz's comment reminded me, when Talonflame would use roost, it restored Lumi's HP instead of it's own.
  6. M.T.Pockets

    Released Pokemon Legends: Apotheosis

    I ended up just restarting because when I transferred the save file over, the game crashed when encountering wild pokemon. I also ran into this bug in the cave and now again out here. I don't have anywhere to upload images to but it reads "Script '[Visible Overworld Wild Encounters...
  7. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokémon: A Star in the Desert

    I have finished the game! It was a lot of fun! Overall I found it to be really charming and a breath of fresh air. I played as Fennekin and I think being a fire type added an interesting perspective. I love Sobbie's hat and it made my mental picture of him using snipe shot (and sucker punch if...
  8. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokémon: A Star in the Desert

    Later on I'd really appreciate it if you'd share the quiz stuff with me. I'm still playing as what I got, but I'm curious about the descriptions for each type and how the stats are calculated. I sent the game to a friend back when I was trying to figure out how to open the menu. He got a huge...
  9. M.T.Pockets

    Released Pokemon Legends: Apotheosis

    Thanks for the fix! Where are the save files stored? I want to grab my old one and move it over to the new version because I spent a lot of time resetting for a really good one.
  10. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokémon: A Star in the Desert

    This is so cool! I have a question about the personality quiz as there was one question I struggled with and I'm curious how my result would have changed. More importantly though, how do I open the menu? I want to equip these oran berries and also save at some point.
  11. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokémon Mineral

    This might sound like a really dumb question, but what do I do with the fossils I find? I found one on the first day and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to deliver it to Roark somewhere or have it revived.
  12. M.T.Pockets

    Released Pokemon Legends: Apotheosis

    Not sure if a screenshot was sent, but yeah when you log in there's already a save file. Personally, I didn't load it, I just started a new game. Worth noting though that voltseon's pause menu isn't working so it gives you a big thing of text and then reverts to the old one. Still very excited...
  13. M.T.Pockets

    Completed Pokemon Aureolin [Complete V1.4]

    Hey, I know this thread hasn't been active in awhile, but I was going through old games I'd downloaded and realized I'd never actually played this one. In case the creator still checks this at all, I just wanted to say I'm having a lot of fun with it. Sure, its pretty standard pokemon fare, but...