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Search results

  1. Deo

    Iron Mapper IRON MAPPER: Season 3 Discussion

    Haha, it shouldn't be! I'd like to do one or two in November before our Winter event, then continue season three into January.
  2. Deo

    Pokemon YOU: The community made fan game

    While this is allowed, I just want to make sure the following is clear: A) This isn't a project officially sanctioned by Relic Castle. (eg. not a community project) B) The administration would prefer if projects/events run by members didn't have Relic Castle in the title. Other than that, all...
  3. Deo

    Resource Following Pokemon

    This script hasn't been made compatible with v17.1 It works on v16.2.
  4. Deo

    Releasing a Game

    Learn better time management. Got a good grasp on time management already? Get better at it. Time management is seriously an underrated thing in fan game development. Especially in that last week where things are likely going to take more time than you're estimating. And aside from game jams...
  5. Deo

    A Speed-up button in Fan Games. (Do or Don't)

    The player's time is valuable, in my opinion. If you have to include a speed-up button in your game because it's a grindfest, maybe you should take a look at why it's really grindy and tweak a few things to make it a bit smoother. You can definitely make the player work for things and reward...
  6. Deo


    I'm definitely a fan of getting your starter Pokémon and getting the adventure started sooner rather than later. Even if the player is railroaded into a bunch of plot events afterwards, it at least feels like they have a little bit more freedom and that the game has "started", so to speak...
  7. Deo

    Game Jam Game Jam #3: Results

    And a big congratulations to @SmokedPaprika who won the Community Choice Spotlight! with Banette & Guilmon It was definitely a very close vote! Thank you to everyone who voted this year! Community Choice Spotlight: Banette & Guilmon by @SmokedPaprika "A visual novel about a Guilmon who’s...
  8. Deo

    Game Jam Game Jam #3: Results

    Just a reminder: there's only 24 hours left to vote for the Community Choice Spotlight! Every vote counts!
  9. Deo

    Game Jam Game Jam #3: Discussion

    Alright! The results are live, and all discussion should take place in that thread from there on!
  10. Deo

    Game Jam Game Jam #3: Results

    25 ENTRIES 4 JUDGE SPOTLIGHTS 1 COMMUNITY CHOICE SPOTLIGHT Results Thread Overview Thread - Pre-Results Discussion Thread Be sure to check out the #game-jam-3 channel on our Discord! Thoughts Another year has come and gone! Our third game jam here at Relic Castle was our best ever...
  11. Deo

    Resource Gen 6 PBS Files

    Deo updated Gen 6 PBS Files with a new update entry: v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Deo

    Gen 6 PBS Files - v1.1

    - Made sure these are still compatible with v17. - Added item icons available for download.
  13. Deo

    Resource Deo's Custom Day & Night Tones for Essentials

    Deo updated Deo's Custom Day & Night Tones for Essentials with a new update entry: v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Deo

    Deo's Custom Day & Night Tones for Essentials - v1.1

    - Added a sunset variation to the general tones. - Added the tones used in Pokémon Fable. - Gen 4 tones are coming soon, promise.
  15. Deo

    Game Jam Game Jam #3: Discussion

    Judging is going well! We're starting to finalize what we feel the spotlights will be. Hoping it won't be too much longer. I've also given out the first wave of badges, if you win a spotlight we'll swap your regular jam #3 badge out for a spotlight one. I also may have missed some team...
  16. Deo

    missed you, fam. wb <3

    missed you, fam. wb <3
  17. Deo

    Completed Pokémon Desiderate

    Played it on stream today! (I'll get you a link soon if you want it). I really enjoyed it, your writing and eventing are as on point as ever my guy. I'm very excited to dive into the rest of it and finish it off on my own time, your charm is shining through at full force in this one! That...