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Search results

  1. komeiji514

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    search tera_pbMoveFailed in plugin scripts anyway.
  2. komeiji514

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    Maybe you are not the latest version.
  3. komeiji514

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    And change Bad Dream's ability effect codes to this to hide ability splash. Battle::AbilityEffects::EndOfRoundEffect.add(:BADDREAMS, proc { |ability, battler, battle| battle.allOtherSideBattlers(battler.index).each do |b| next if battle.pbCheckOpposingAbility(:SWEETDREAMS) next...
  4. komeiji514

    Resource Deluxe Battle Kit [v21.1]

    I am battling with a pokemon having :INDIRECT immunity. I put it to sleep and when Bad Dr4eams is triggered this happens. I can'f find any solution. Exception: ArgumentError Message: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) Backtrace: Battle:815:in `pbDisplay' [Deluxe Battle Kit] [004]...
  5. komeiji514

    Resource Trade Screen: DX

    And even v21.1 with some tweaks.
  6. komeiji514

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    Open the animation editor in debug mode, choose the animations, and then delete.
  7. komeiji514

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    There is a little mistake in [000] Ability Handlers.rb at line 416. @battle.pbDisplay(_INTL("{1}'s Ability is protected by the effects of its {2}!",b.pbThis,itemname)) # The @ should be deleted otherwise it will cause the game crash.
  8. komeiji514

    Resource Terrain Backdrop Change

    The same thing happens in v21.1.
  9. komeiji514

    Resource Terrain Tag Side Stairs

    It should be speed instead of speed_real in essentials v21.1 btw.
  10. komeiji514

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    Confused. Everything works fine for me when checking the editor.
  11. komeiji514

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    Works fine for me. What's the errorlog?
  12. komeiji514

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Oh, another problem that has always existed in Essentials. Toxel's form handler is also incorrect. Original code made all Toxel evolve to Amped Form(form 0). It should be like this. MultipleForms.register(:TOXEL, { "getForm" => proc { |pkmn| next 1 if [:LONELY, :BOLD, :RELAXED, :TIMID...
  13. komeiji514

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    A female Indeedee can be form 0 as I have tested. The same thing happens to Meowstic.
  14. komeiji514

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Yeah. When I check the pokedex I found Indeedee has no female form.
  15. komeiji514

    Resource Animated Pokemon System [DBK Add-On] [v21.1]

    Delete pokemon_metrics_Gen_9_Pack.txt and pokemon_metrics_gmax.txt in PBS files. As you don't have the species listed in them.
  16. komeiji514

    Resource M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore)

    Maybe one of your own abilities has the same name and handler as the ability in this plugin.
  17. komeiji514

    Resource M.A.G (Moves & Abilities Galore)

    An easy fix. #Growth class Battle::Move::RaiseUserAtkSpAtk1Or2InSun < Battle::Move::MultiStatUpMove def initialize(battle, move) super @statUp = [:ATTACK, 1, :SPECIAL_ATTACK, 1] end def pbOnStartUse(user, targets) #Just change this line. increment = 1 increment = 2 if...