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Search results

  1. rainefall

    Released pre;COGNITION [Jam Version]

    The game has been updated to version 1.0.1 This version fixes a few major bugs/crashes as well as the graphical issues some have been experiencing while exploring the third area of the game. Due to the nature of the latter fix you will be required to redownload and extract the entire game...
  2. rainefall

    Released pre;COGNITION [Jam Version]

    DOWNLOAD (INSTALLER) DOWNLOAD (ZIP) Welcome to Wretchenfell An old mining village, a crumbling city, a mysterious Pokémon. Step into the shoes of Kira, a Pokémon behaviour researcher and expert, tasked with assisting an enigmatic corporation's remote research laboratory with taming an...
  3. rainefall

    pre;COGNITION Resources 1.0

    Major spoilers buried within! If you intend to play pre;COGNITION, do not go snooping around! You will completely ruin the experience for yourself.
  4. rainefall

    Resource pre;COGNITION Resources

    rainefall submitted a new resource: pre;COGNITION Resources - Graphical resources from my Winter Jam 4 entry, pre;COGNITION Read more about this resource...
  5. rainefall

    Game Jam Winter Game Jam 4: Recruitment

    [Recruiting] (Still) Looking to recruit: Playtesters!!! Mapping, Event Scripting, other positions may be considered Jam Entry Title: pre;Cognition Team Name/Team Members: Myself (Lead, Mapping, Programming, Writing, Music), my non-Relic friends Jenetics (Art, Writing) and Holo (Writing)...
  6. rainefall

    Completed Pokémon Reflections

    I must say I am a little confused by this response, as this game is finished (and I’ve moved on from it to new projects). I don’t intend to issue any major updates as I’m satisfied with the content and story of the game. I am glad you enjoyed it though!
  7. rainefall

    v21.1 rainefallPortraits - Compatibility Update (bugfix)

    Unfortunately, while implementing 1.1's alternative method of injecting the name window into the display message function, I forgot that function also handles player choice windows as well. The new function does not account for this, meaning attempting to use any kind of show choice window will...
  8. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    rainefall updated Reflections Dialogue Portrait System with a new update entry: Compatibility Update (bugfix) Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. rainefall

    v21.1 rainefallPortraits - Compatibility Update

    In an attempt to increase compatibility I have modified the way name labels are injected into the message display function. This does mean the ability to define name labels within Show Text event commands is lost, but I don't consider that to be a huge issue. Please switch to using...
  10. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    rainefall updated Reflections Dialogue Portrait System with a new update entry: Compatibility Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    Chances are one of these plugins also redefines the message display function, I do have an idea for how to get around this though.
  12. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    Do you have any other scripts/plugins installed?
  13. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    The scripts should work with v19, you will have to manually install them instead of using the plugin system however.
  14. rainefall

    v21.1 rainefallUtils 1.2

    Just a couple of my scripting utility functions
  15. rainefall

    Resource rainefallUtils

    rainefall submitted a new resource: rainefallUtils - Utility scripts by me, for me, maybe you too Read more about this resource...
  16. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    rainefall submitted a new resource: Reflections Dialogue Portrait System - Dialogue portrait system from Pokémon Reflections Read more about this resource...
  17. rainefall

    v21.1 rainefallPortraits 1.3

    Requires rainefallUtils! This is a slightly less janky version of the dialogue portraits script(s) used in my games Pokémon Reflections and pre;COGNITION Portrait graphics In Pokémon Reflections, portraits were 360 pixels tall and had no consistent width. The script has been modified...
  18. rainefall

    Completed Pokémon Reflections

    The game has been updated to v1.0.3 Changelog Fixed minor spelling errors Fixed a graphical error when sprinting while wearing a certain outfit Fixed a bug where blacking out near the end of the game would send you to a Pokémon Center and disrupt the intended flow of the ending Made the ending...
  19. rainefall

    Completed Pokémon Reflections

  20. rainefall

    Completed Pokémon Reflections

    The game has been updated to v1.0.2 I strongly recommend downloading this version as it fixes a few major bugs/crashes. Changelog Fixed a potential crash upon talking to the 5th gym leader, wherein the game would attempt to set the portrait sprite for a portrait object that may or may not...