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Search results

  1. rainefall

    i am immortal

    i am immortal
  2. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    Hello ENLS, This is the Reflections Dialogue Portrait System. I have recently renamed it to rainefallPortraits as I have used this portrait system across multiple games, and I have made so many changes to this script that it no longer entirely resembles the portrait system from Pokémon...
  3. rainefall

    v21.1 rainefallPortraits - Customisations

    Hello all, by request I have added the ability to change the windowskin used by the name window. For maximum customisability I have given you two options. Option 1: Global change In config.rb, there is a new option called DEFAULT_WINDOW_SKIN. By default is nil, this causes it to use whatever...
  4. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    rainefall updated Reflections Dialogue Portrait System with a new update entry: Customisations Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    Whoops, it appears I made a mistake trying to keep compatibility with v20. I'll fix this in the next update.
  6. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    It should use whatever the system windowskin is, but I can add a way to override that if you'd like
  7. rainefall

    v21.1 rainefallPortraits - True v21 compatibility

    Hello all, two things for you here. Plugin is now framerate agnostic. If you don't know what this means don't worry about it. More importantly, there is a new feature: portraits automatically close when an event ends. This is very useful if like me you are an idiot and you continuously forget...
  8. rainefall

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    rainefall updated Reflections Dialogue Portrait System with a new update entry: True v21 compatibility Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. rainefall

    Released pre;COGNITION [Jam Version]

    Oh no! Have you tried using the “Disable Fogs” accessibility option? This may allow you to see shit
  10. rainefall

    Completed Pokémon Reflections

  11. rainefall

    i'm not joining your movement

    i'm not joining your movement
  12. rainefall

    hey i'm cool

    hey i'm cool
  13. rainefall

    oh how the end less

    oh how the end less
  14. rainefall

    Completed Space Trainers

    years ago i wanted to make a game like this! thank you for doing it for me, better than i ever could. remember to not three in the ship everyone
  15. rainefall

    Released pre;COGNITION [Jam Version]

    Do you have a controller connected to your computer? If so try disconnecting it, then run the game again.
  16. rainefall

    Released pre;COGNITION [Jam Version]

    Can you show the error message the game produced?
  17. rainefall

    dont tell me to go away ):

    dont tell me to go away ):
  18. rainefall

    Game Jam Game Jam #9: Recruitment

    [Volunteering] Expertise: Programming (Ruby), Music Examples of Work: pre;COGNITION (Programming, UI, Design, Mapping, Music), Reflections (Programming, UI, Design, Writing, Mapping, Music), More Music Method of Contact: Discord (rainefall) Timezone: UTC+1 (BST) Additional...
  19. rainefall

    v21.1 rainefallUtils - v21 Compatibility Fix

    It appears Essentials now includes its own Kernel#lerp. Why even bother.
  20. rainefall

    Resource rainefallUtils

    rainefall updated rainefallUtils with a new update entry: v21 Compatibility Fix Read the rest of this update entry...