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Search results

  1. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    See the first point here for ways to help with that: https://pokemon-hgss-sevii-islands.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_HGSS:_Sevii_Islands_Wiki#Known_Bugs/Problems_(&_How_To_Fix_Them)
  2. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    You have to use your Explorer Kit here:
  3. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    I assume you're asking about Mew? I've fixed the wiki, it's after completing the Church of Arceus epilogue, sorry.
  4. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Game has been updated to version 1.0.12! The download link is the same as before :) If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and extract the contents of the folder into the game's Data folder and hit "Replace All"...
  5. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Sorry about that, and thanks for the bug reports! Much appreciated! Will be fixed in the next version :)
  6. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Game has been updated to version 1.0.11! The download link is the same as before :) If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and extract the contents of the folder into the game's Data folder and hit "Replace All"...
  7. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Sorry about that, I'll fix it as soon as I can! In the meantime, it'll reappear if you simply heal your Pokémon at a Pokémon Center, so you can continue playing as normal :) Thanks for the bug report!
  8. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Game has been updated to version 1.0.10! The download link is the same as before :) If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and extract the contents of the folder into the game's Data folder and hit "Replace All"...
  9. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    The game has been updated to version 1.0.9! The download link is the same as before :) This one is actually a bit more important, since I developed a system to always have backups of your save files. If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and...
  10. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Sorry about that! I'll release a new version in a couple of hours with that issue fixed. Thanks for reporting it!
  11. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    The game's Wiki is live! https://pokemon-hgss-sevii-islands.fandom.com/wiki/Pokémon_HGSS:_Sevii_Islands_Wiki If you have any suggestions on what else should be there, feel free to ask! Also, the game has been updated to version 1.0.8! The download link is the same as before :) If you already...
  12. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Game has been updated to version 1.0.7! The download link is the same as before :) If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and extract the contents of the folder into the game's Data folder and hit "Replace All"...
  13. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Game has been updated to version 1.0.6! The download link is the same as before :) If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and extract the contents of the folder into the game's Data folder and hit "Replace All"...
  14. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Game has been updated to version 1.0.5! The download link is the same as before :) If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and extract the contents of the folder into the game's Data folder and hit "Replace All"...
  15. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Game has been updated to version 1.0.4! The download link is the same as before :) If you already have an old version and just want a patch, download the following link and extract the contents of the folder into the game's Data folder and hit "Replace All"...
  16. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Sorry, there aren't. This isn't really a competitive game since that's not what I'm into, so natures/ivs/evs/abilities and their respective manipulation choices are just the general gen 4/5 ways (ability capsules, berries, etc). I'd say you really don't need to breed for a perfect nature/iv...
  17. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    I'm very sorry, but there's nothing for me to check out 😅 It works for me and for literally everyone else 😅
  18. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    No, the only custom forms are Mega Meganium, Mega Typhlosion and Mega Feraligatr.
  19. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    These regionals forms are available in Hoenn's Safari Zone:
  20. PurpleZaffre

    Completed Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands (Hoenn Postgame!)

    Sorry, the issue was deeper than I thought! It's fixed now :) The game has been updated to version 1.0.3, which fixes a couple of bugs. The download link is the same.