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Search results

  1. EndlessBeat

    Resource OK Mon: Resource Version

    EndlessBeat updated OK Mon: Resource Version with a new update entry: Adding Old Mons, New Mons, and More! Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. EndlessBeat

    Resource OK Mon: Resource Version

    Back with a bunch more! This time I added a few custom evolutions to some Pokémon!
  3. EndlessBeat

    Resource OK Mon: Resource Version

    Stonjourner and an alternate Pikachu (A mix between my old design of Pikachu and the Let's Go design)
  4. EndlessBeat

    Resource OK Mon: Resource Version

    Thanks for the request for Whimsicott! I decided to also do Cottonee because it didn't make sense for me only to do part of the evolution line lol These should hopefully be the right size, 160 x160. Let me know if there's any problem or if you'd like me to draw another mon!
  5. EndlessBeat

    Battlers OK Mon: Resource Version - Change in Format

    I've decided from here on out, I'll be handling this resource differently. Instead of having to remake the same large zip file for every time I add a couple new pictures and graphics, I'll be periodically posting whatever I've made in the Discussion tab. Every so often, I might also do an update...
  6. EndlessBeat

    Resource OK Mon: Resource Version

    EndlessBeat updated OK Mon: Resource Version with a new update entry: Change in Format Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. EndlessBeat

    Battlers OK Mon: Resource Version - First Ever Update to OK Mon: Resource Version

    For the first ever update to my first ever public resource, I've added lots of new Pokémon and Trainer graphics as well as a few extra drawings that can be used as backgrounds or load screens! Added Pokemon Graphics Added Pictures Added Trainer Graphics Once again, if there are any...
  8. EndlessBeat

    Resource OK Mon: Resource Version

    EndlessBeat updated OK Mon: Resource Version with a new update entry: First Ever Update to OK Mon: Resource Version Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    Huge thanks to everyone for getting this game to over 10,000 views on PokeCommunity! Y'all all awesome!
  10. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    The real reason for that is because Battle Frontier pulls from a very large list of pre-generated enemy mons that would take way too long to edit, most of which are ones I haven't drawn, and I basically didn't want there to be a mishmash between my art style and the default pixel-art style.
  11. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    Thanks! I knew there was something on this.
  12. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    I did add Delibird and Luvdisc recently in a new update. I don't know how updating fan games work when you already have a save file though.
  13. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    That's a known glitch in Essentials. I think it has something to do with regional forms of Pokemon. (Also there are a small few obtainable mons that aren't in the Pokedex. The Squirtle line is one of them.)
  14. EndlessBeat

    Battlers OK Mon: Resource Version 1.2

    In celebration of my two-year anniversary of being here on Relic Castle, I am finally releasing a resource pack for my very first fangame, OK Mon: Adequate Version! Now you can use any of my weirdly drawn Pokémon and Trainers in your game! It doesn't matter what kind of game it is, a long-time...
  15. EndlessBeat

    Resource OK Mon: Resource Version

    EndlessBeat submitted a new resource: OK Mon: Resource Version - All of my weird hand-drawn assets in one easy download! Read more about this resource...
  16. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    OK Mon: Adequate Version has just been updated to v1.1.1. This will likely be the last noteworthy update unless a major game-breaking bug is found. Thanks to everyone who stuck around to see this project become a reality! Y'all are awesome. Anyway, here are likely the final patch notes.
  17. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    This is why it's important to double check everything. Yeah, sorry, but it looks like there's no way to obtain them. I'll fix that in next update whenever I eventually get down to it.
  18. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    People seem to really like the starters, so I'll probably include as many of those as I can, though they'll be understandably rare. And I too like Maracactus lol
  19. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    For sure, but that will be another day. I wanted to ask, are there any Pokemon that weren't included in the game that you'd like to see in the next? I know offhand I left out most starters and almost every legendary. And there's no Gen 9 since that didn't exist yet lol
  20. EndlessBeat

    Completed OK Mon: Adequate Version (The One with the Hand-Drawn Pokémon)

    I never really tried Following Pokemon, seems very intensive to get working with other scripts. I might just say forget the Pokedex and just have all the Pokemon from the first game and add more in the next one. So yeah, you should be able to have your same Kanto team lol