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Search results

  1. Abdoulgaming

    Resource Mystery Gift Music

    I will change the link Only when I'm home because I'm still on the bus
  2. Abdoulgaming

    Entertainment Word Snake

  3. Abdoulgaming

    Resource Mystery Gift Music

    Abdoulgaming submitted a new resource: Mystery Gift Music - It's like the Official Games Read more about this resource...
  4. Abdoulgaming

    Mystery Gift Music 1.2

    This is an add-on from Contiune Background Music but with the Mystery Gifts and my variant too, it is very similar to Contiune Background Music, but that's not it They always wanted it to be played in the Mystery Gift Music, then I thought about it being played in the Mystery Gift Music as in...
  5. Abdoulgaming

    Make some tests

    Make some tests
  6. Abdoulgaming

    Map What do you think about my Starter Town?

    This is very nice I Like it
  7. Abdoulgaming

    Entertainment Word Snake

  8. Abdoulgaming

    Resource Following Pokemon

    Go to the second page of the Nurse Joy Event and write somewhere pbPokemonFollow(4)
  9. Abdoulgaming

    Entertainment Halloween Haunting

    Im haunting @Marin and link the Fixed Dual Screen Battle to your Poketch
  10. Abdoulgaming

    Pokétch Battle Scene Fix - Name change V2

    Thanks to Marin, the resource is no longer called Fixed Dual Screen Battle but Poketch Battle Scene Fix Thanks Marin👍👍👍👍👍
  11. Abdoulgaming

    Resource Pokétch Battle Scene Fix

    Abdoulgaming updated Pokétch Battle Scene Fix with a new update entry: Name change V2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Abdoulgaming

    Entertainment Word Snake

  13. Abdoulgaming

    Resource Pokétch Battle Scene Fix

    Abdoulgaming updated Fixed Dual screen Battle with a new update entry: Name change Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Abdoulgaming

    Pokétch Battle Scene Fix - Name change

    Everywhere where abdoulgaming365 says it was changed to Abdoulgaming. This is only for v18 and v18.1 compactible Not v17 and older
  15. Abdoulgaming

    Yust random Tests for the new surf Base

    Yust random Tests for the new surf Base
  16. Abdoulgaming

    Entertainment Word Snake

  17. Abdoulgaming

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    By using Tiled I meant that all tiles are put together
  18. Abdoulgaming

    Resource HGSS for RMXP

    There is also another option Use Tiled