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Search results

  1. wrigty12

    Resource Social Links

    Oh okay yeah I had already planned on doing that along side it, so glad we're on the same page!
  2. wrigty12

    Resource Social Links

    Sure it would be really easy to implement. Can you quickly explain more about what you mean by "without any extra indicators appearing in the menu"?
  3. wrigty12

    v21.1 Instant Messages - 1.1.2 - Single string for Player messages

    The only file that was changed was 004_MessagesUI. You only need to replace that file with the updated one for this update. Change Log 🛠️Fixed player message handling so you can have just a single string instead of choices. This message will appear just like NPC messages would (no player input).
  4. wrigty12

    Resource Instant Messages

    wrigty12 updated Instant Messages with a new update entry: 1.1.2 - Single string for Player messages Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. wrigty12

    Resource Instant Messages

    It's because in your definitions for the player (0's) it requires an array of strings, not just a single string. The plugin was designed so the player has to choose from a list of replies. It didn't support a reply that isn't from a choice. My next update should allow this to work.
  6. wrigty12

    Resource Social Links

    wrigty12 submitted a new resource: Social Links - Bond with NPCs as Social Links! Read more about this resource...
  7. wrigty12

    v21.1 Social Links 1.1

    Inspired by the Persona series, you can now turn NPCs into Social Links. This can add some more personal connections with characters in your game, and can also result in benefits for the player. In addition to Social Links, this plugin provides a Social Media page for each Social Link. In...
  8. wrigty12

    Resource Pokedex Tasks

    No guarantees as I didn't test this due to not having a great setup to do so, but try this out. Add this somewhere in the plugin (maybe at the end of the [003] Pokedex file). Then, when you can to update your existing tasks, just run pbUpdateExistingPokedexTasks def pbUpdateExistingPokedexTasks...
  9. wrigty12

    Resource Pokedex Tasks

    Seeing as the dev hasn't been on since February, I'll answer. I believe so yes, but you'll need to add custom code. I completely overhauled the plugin to use Settings instead of PBS for my game. So my way to recompile will be different. I can see what I can come up with for you though
  10. wrigty12

    ...Pokemon, but if you're heavily relying on others to name your Pokemon, you're more likely to...

    ...Pokemon, but if you're heavily relying on others to name your Pokemon, you're more likely to be met with disappointment. It's hard enough for some people to come up with their own names. 3) I second the use Discord thing. It's just where most of the community interacts. tl;dr try to keep a...
  11. wrigty12

    I'll just throw in my three cents (split up bc of character limits). 1) It feels like you've...

    I'll just throw in my three cents (split up bc of character limits). 1) It feels like you've lost your temper about "not being noticed" on here and thats a deterrent for me personally to interact with you. Try to keep a positive, constructive attitude as that will open the door to attract more...
  12. wrigty12

    Resource Instant Messages

    wrigty12 updated Instant Messages with a new update entry: Update 1.1.1 - Crash Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. wrigty12

    v21.1 Instant Messages - Update 1.1.1 - Crash Fix

    The only file that was changed was 004_MessagesUI. You only need to replace that file with the updated one for this update. Change Log 🛠️Fixed a crash that would occur if an Instant conversation contained more than 1 line of text
  14. wrigty12

    Resource Berry Planting Improvements

    You're going to have to give me more info. Can you send me what your Settings look like for the plugin? And also the berry plant data entry in PBS for the berry facing the issue?
  15. wrigty12

    Resource Instant Messages

    Yeah, the default is designed that way (both the timestamp thing and the "all at once"). To make messages not go through the animation, you can mark the conversation with the Instant parameter set to true. That setting will make the message(s) appear instantly once the player opens it. It...
  16. wrigty12

    Resource Instant Messages

    I think I solved it with the latest update. I only have 60 hz monitors, so I can't check the 144 situation. Let me know if it feels right now.
  17. wrigty12

    Resource Instant Messages

    wrigty12 updated Instant Messages with a new update entry: 1.1 - New Features and Bug Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. wrigty12

    v21.1 Instant Messages - 1.1 - New Features and Bug Fixes

    BEFORE UPDATING ANY FILES: If you have made any edits the Settings or Configurations for the plugin, make sure to make a backup of those files before updating the plugin. If you copy over files to update, it will overwrite your changes. I recommend you duplicate your Configuration files and...
  19. wrigty12

    SOLVED: Checking if you have a Pokemon of a certain level

    $player.pokemon_party.any? { |p| p&.level >= 50 }
  20. wrigty12

    Resource Instant Messages

    Oh right. I always work with v20, so I forgot about the frame => seconds shift for v21. I'll have to play with that.