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Search results

  1. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Simple GUI Menu Version 2 (Customizable/Extendable) for Essentials v17.2

    Yo, hello again, i want to know how can i make the names of the options appear under the icons
  2. BiggusWeeabus

    GUI Sword/Shield Styled Pokédex Type Icons

    Sw/Sh styled Pokedex Type icons, they are supposed to be a combo of this resource. I wasn't able to properly recreate the Ice-Type icon, sadly :( To add them, just replace the icon_types in the Graphics\Pictures\Pokedex folder with this one. To use the beveled version, simply take the "alt" out...
  3. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Sword/Shield Styled Pokédex Type Icons

    BiggusWeeabus submitted a new resource: Sword/Shield Styled Pokédex Type Icons - Sw/Sh Pokédex Type Icons Read more about this resource...
  4. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Sword and Shield Styled Type Icons

    Of course! editing is permitted giving credits!
  5. BiggusWeeabus

    Battlers HGSS Front Battler Sprites 2021-05-28

    Default Gen 1-4 Pokémon Essentials uses various sprites from B/W, which have rather bland poses for static sprites. So i took the HGSS Sprites from the Pokémon Graphics Library, resized them to 160x160 and renamed them to Essentials Formatting. To use them on v19, just put the Battlers folder...
  6. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource HGSS Front Battler Sprites

    BiggusWeeabus submitted a new resource: HGSS Front Battler Sprites - HGSS Front Battler Sprites Read more about this resource...
  7. BiggusWeeabus

    GUI Sword and Shield Styled Type Icons

    Pixelated Sword/Shield Styled Type Icons originally made for GBA, formatted to Essentials. There's three versions with different icons: a Sw/Sh version, a Pokémon Masters Version and a TCG Version, just take whichever you prefer and rename it as type.png Some of the colors are edited to be more...
  8. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Sword and Shield Styled Type Icons

    BiggusWeeabus submitted a new resource: Sword and Shield Styled Type Icons for Essentials - Sword and Shield Type Icons Read more about this resource...
  9. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Dppt style Gender selector script

    The option to download the graphics disappeared :/
  10. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds

    Ummm i'm 100% sure it's fully compatible with Modular Title Screen, as i've used it with it as well. Are you sure you've inserted the TWO scripts, Utility_BasicParticle AND FRLG_IntroScene?
  11. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds

    I've tested it in v17 and v18, but i haven't tested in v19 because MKXP doesn't seem to work properly in my computer. This script should be version-agnostic, but various scripts in this version have weird visual bugs caused by the MKXP conversion, there's not really much i can do about it if i...
  12. BiggusWeeabus

    [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds - Added sounds

    Added sound effects to the intro, put the "Intro.ogg" file in the BGM folder. If you havent changed anything within the script, you can just replace it with the new one. If you modified something in the script, just add pbBGMPlay("Intro") right next to the line "def main" and you're good to go...
  13. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds

    BiggusWeeabus updated 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with a new update entry: Added sounds Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Dppt style Gender selector script

    Great! And please, It would be great to keep the script compatible with both v17 and v18/19, in case you're thinking about updating it :)
  15. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Dppt style Gender selector script

    Is it possible to add a third character option?
  16. BiggusWeeabus

    [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds 1.2

    This Resource is a modified version of this script HERE, the big differences of this version is that it now supports Essentials' default Screen resolution, it's compatible with v16 to v19 and has sounds included. Well, to install it you simply insert the scripts in the two .txt files inside the...
  17. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds

    BiggusWeeabus submitted a new resource: 512x386 FRLG Intro Scene - FRLG Intro Scene Read more about this resource...
  18. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Learning a particular move upon evolution

    Does this still works with v17 and 18?