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Search results

  1. BiggusWeeabus

    Entertainment What's your favorite Pokémon?

    'Kay Gen 1 = Vaporeon (Just look at it's :3 face, i love them) Gen 2 = Typhlosion (Typhlosion > Charizard, u can't change my mind) Gen 3 = Absol (Fluffy angelic good boi) Gen 4 = Staraptor/Lucario (I can't choose between both and both are very cliche, i know) Gen 5 = Serperior (Le smug snek)...
  2. BiggusWeeabus

    Entertainment Worst Pokémon Game

    Hypno! I can't fucking stand it, it looks like a perverted creep.
  3. BiggusWeeabus

    [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds - v19 Support

    The script now has a version that works properly for v19, thanks to NoobWanderer!
  4. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds

    BiggusWeeabus updated 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds with a new update entry: v19 Support Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds

    Oh, that's good to know! Can you send me the modified script via DM? It would be good to add it at least until someone find a better fix
  6. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource [v16.x - v19.x] 512x384 FRLG Intro Scene with sounds

    Nop. As i said, i sadly can't playtest on v19. Sorry :(
  7. BiggusWeeabus

    In Development Pokémon: Immortal X & Oblivion Y Versions

    As you know, Pokémon X/Y isn't exactly known from being one the best Pokémon games... In fact, some tend to consider them the worst games of the franchise. It's also a common belief that the game could have been amazing with more development time or a third version like a Pokémon Z. That's what...
  8. BiggusWeeabus

    Tutorial [v17.X] Gen 3/4 Pokémon intro animations

    BiggusWeeabus submitted a new resource: [v17.X] Gen 3/4 Pokémon intro animations - Pokémon intro animations Read more about this resource...
  9. BiggusWeeabus

    [v17.X] Gen 3/4 Pokémon intro animations 1.0

    So, you know that Emerald, DPPt and HGSS had those intro animations at the start of the battles, right? You can implement them in Essentials! For now, this tutorial only covers v17, But maybe v18 will get covered in a near future too. A script for v19 that will probably work more efficiently...
  10. BiggusWeeabus

    Battlers HGSS Front Battler Sprites - Animations folder

    The Name formatting in the Animations Folder is fixed
  11. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource HGSS Front Battler Sprites

    BiggusWeeabus updated HGSS Front Battler Sprites with a new update entry: Animations folder Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Fakemon Festival Pack (Free to Use!)

    Submitting my Brazilian Infernape line + Mega Xatu
  13. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource 1px Character Creator

    I hope to see a Fangame with this art style soon
  14. BiggusWeeabus

    3D Pokemon Essentials Game

    This would be great for Gen 4/5 Styled games, specially with how v18-19 runs more smoothly than 16-17, i hope you're making progress
  15. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Somersault's Map Utilities Script

    It seems the files link leads to the wrong folder, it goes to the Catching Tutorial folder
  16. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Simple GUI Menu Version 2 (Customizable/Extendable) for Essentials v17.2

    #=============================================================================== # Hollows Simple GUI Menu v2.1 #=============================================================================== class GUIMenu...
  17. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Simple GUI Menu Version 2 (Customizable/Extendable) for Essentials v17.2

    So, after i've updated it, i get this error after using every option, trying to come back to the menu: --------------------------- Pokemon Immortal X/Oblivion Y --------------------------- [Pokémon Essentials version 17.2] Exception: NameError Message: uninitialized constant...
  18. BiggusWeeabus

    Resource Simple GUI Menu Version 2 (Customizable/Extendable) for Essentials v17.2

    Um... This isn't exactly what i meant. I meant something like this mockup: