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Search results

  1. ENLS

    When is the next v20 tutorial coming out??? PLEASE ANSWER

    When is the next v20 tutorial coming out??? PLEASE ANSWER
  2. ENLS

    RC Discord Archiving

    #info channel: Welcome to the Relic Castle Discord Server! Relic Castle is a community where you can discuss, play, critique, and create Pokémon fan games. We believe that by promoting a friendly, tight-knit atmosphere we can make the fan game community a better place for newbies and...
  3. ENLS

    Released Pivot

    Pivot has been updated to v1.0.1
  4. ENLS

    Released Pivot

    It's pivoting time
  5. ENLS

    Pivot Resource Pack 1.0

    Pivot was created by KennyCatches, Voltseon, ENLS and Ranko. Resource pack for Pivot Tileset credits are a mess, because we imported tiles from a bunch of different games that all had pretty big tileset credits
  6. ENLS

    Resource Pivot Resource Pack

    ENLS submitted a new resource: Pivot Resource Pack - Resource pack for the jam game "Pivot" Read more about this resource...
  7. ENLS

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    click Load Game
  8. ENLS

    Completed OMP

    Game Title: "OMP" Download: Download OMP (v1.0.0) The servers are no longer up, and the game is no longer available for download. Thanks for playing OMP! Plot Outline: Two players travel go on a short adventure through a forest and a cave, working together to solve a couple...
  9. ENLS


  10. ENLS

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    On behalf of the developer team I would just like to say thank you! We're really glad you enjoyed the game, and we appreciate your reviews a lot! We are definitely gonna be working more on this game, so your feedback will be super helpful. There's definitely a lot of stuff about this game we...
  11. ENLS

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    You get Cut after the 5th gym, in Artemis City.
  12. ENLS

    Resource Easy Debug Terminal

    ENLS submitted a new resource: Easy Debug Terminal - A quick, easy-to-use terminal you can use to execute script commands within the game Read more about this resource...
  13. ENLS

    v21.1 Easy Debug Terminal 1.3

    Easy Debug Terminal A quick, easy-to-use terminal you can use to execute script commands within the game. Overview: This plugin adds a small input window which can be used to execute any script commands that you previously would have to create debug events in order to test. This can be used for...
  14. ENLS

    Map Starter Town

    At the top of the map, it feels weird to have bushes in an area you can't access. Since the main functionality of bushes is to encounter wild Pokémon, people could misinterpret it as being an area you're supposed to access, perhaps later. Maybe you have some other grassy looking tiles you could...
  15. ENLS

    ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library - Black 2 & White 2 OST has been added!

    This is long overdue, but B2W2 has finally been added to ENLS's Pre-Looped Music Library. Check it out by clicking on "Go to download" in the top right corner!
  16. ENLS

    Resource ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library

    ENLS updated ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library with a new update entry: Black 2 & White 2 OST has been added! Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. ENLS

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    There's a small bug in 2.2.0 with a pretty easy fix. When using pbChooseItemScreen, the last_pocket_selections gets messed up, so I added this line to the function which fixed it: $bag.reset_last_selection if proc Take a look at the pbChooseItemScreen in default v20.1 UI_Bag. That's the only...
  18. ENLS

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    I'm currently uploading a new version that fixes this.