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Search results

  1. WolfTaiko

    v20.1 Pathfinding + 1.0

    Pathfinding + is a Pathfinding Script made from an existing Pathfinding script, but was for an older version of Essentials and this script lets you do a little more functionality that I wanted which I haven't seen in any other pathfinding script. You can: Give it a list of event names and it...
  2. WolfTaiko

    Resource Pathfinding +

    WolfTaiko submitted a new resource: Pathfinding + - An advanced Pathfinding Script Read more about this resource...
  3. WolfTaiko

    Resource Voltseon's A-Star Pathfinding

    I had an idea of using this script in a particular way but I don’t know if it’s feasible. My idea is to have it try to go to a specific coordinate (the player’s coordinate but I think I alright know that ima try to store that in a variable and tell the event to go to the location using the...
  4. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Heyo, just wanted to say that apparently there's a bug that is causing Scyther to not evolve and I have reached out to the main dev telling him this. We'll get it fixed asap, and thanks for enjoying the game!
  5. WolfTaiko

    Resource Voltseon's Pause Menu

    Hey, what would be an easy way to make it that the save would disappear from the main menu if a conditional switch was turned on?
  6. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pumpkaboo's Party

    I need to stream this rn, so hyped!
  7. WolfTaiko

    Released Pokémon True Destiny

    Nope, nothing should be affected for the rest of the game. There are 2 Chapters available so far.
  8. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    If you've done all the events you should've gotten a phone call from Prof. Cherry to meet her at the lab. Did you receive this phone call?
  9. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    I appreciate all the feedback when it comes to the writing and story. Some of it unfortunately came down to the little amount of time to work on the game unfortunately but I will also admit it wasn’t entirely that and I should’ve spent more time on why. However I don’t understand what...
  10. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    you’re question gets answered above in the thread Tech linked, you’ll need something like winrar or some other program to unzip it and be able to play it through Game.exe which should be in the unzipped files.
  11. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Yeah fair I didn’t realize how hard I made it since I didn’t want it to be easy either.
  12. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    Honestly not too sure but prob around 8 hours at least if I had to guess. I was wrong actually but like Nand says below probably closer to 12 hours.
  13. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    No, the resource pack is just a bunch of resources so other people can use the graphics made for this game in their games.
  14. WolfTaiko

    Completed Pokémon: Abstract Version

    It was such a blast to work on the game, I hope you all enjoy it! Though definitely beware of bugs 😅
  15. WolfTaiko

    Pokémon Abstract Resources 1.0

    A list of resources made for Pokémon Abstract organized by who made them.
  16. WolfTaiko

    Resource Pokémon Abstract Resources

    WolfTaiko submitted a new resource: Pokémon Abstract Resources - A collection of all the original resources to make Pokémon Abstract. Read more about this resource...
  17. WolfTaiko

    Released Pokémon True Destiny

    mhm, yes it is. Though if I remember squirtle is not a very very likely encounter. You can encounter it in route 1.
  18. WolfTaiko

    Recruiting Hito: A Broken Story is recruiting!

    Game By: Wolf Taiko Using: Pokemon Essentials Looking For: Spriter(To help make a title screen, OW sprites, and UI) Composer(In A Pokemon style, I'm not particular about which one) Scripter(To help make a new menu, help along with the battle system we have working) Mapper(To help make maps in...