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Search results

  1. Marin

    Resource Marin's Map Exporter

    Marin updated Marin's Map Exporter with a new update entry: Update v2.0 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Marin

    Resource Marin's Enhanced Jukebox

    The decoder works in any version, but the jukebox UI probably won't work in anything other than v19.
  3. Marin

    Resource Marin's Enhanced Jukebox

    Marin submitted a new resource: Enhanced Jukebox - A more extensive and feature-rich jukebox, with the ability to write some text for each track. Read more about this resource...
  4. Marin

    v20.1 Marin's Enhanced Jukebox

    Please note: this plugin was commissioned by @DerxwnaKapsyla. As such, I will likely not provide any support or updates in the future. Enhanced Jukebox This plugin re-imagines the Jukebox in a way that gives players access to all the Ogg Vorbis audio files used by the game, at least as long as...
  5. Marin

    Relic Castle Anniversary

    Time really seemed to fly, but this week marks the birth week of Relic Castle, more specifically the 7 year anniversary of our website and community! The past year has been nothing not fun with all the events we've hosted that you've participated in, and we've had plenty of good times in the...
  6. Marin

    v20 Marin's Scripting Utilities - Update v1.7

    Fixed a bug with the v19 port.
  7. Marin

    Resource Marin's Scripting Utilities

    Marin updated Marin's Scripting Utilities with a new update entry: Update v1.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    And that concludes TEAM MAPPER trial III! We put a spin on it this time around, and all of you delivered just as well as in the previous trials. Take a look at the final region you've created! On top of that, @rainefall has also compiled all the maps that have been created in an RPG Maker XP...
  9. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Round 4: Mapping The mappers for this round have been chosen! The following people will be creating the maps this round: 2: @Arma 7: @Verulanister 10: @AnonAlpaca 20: @Mischtogan 26: @Hornet 45: @rainefall 51: @Conmh You have 24 hours to create your map! When submitting your map, please...
  10. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Round 4: Election All round 3's maps have been made, and we've now got a region that looks like this: Now we start the Election phase of round 4! Please leave a message with your top 3 favorite maps that you would like to do. Note that you can only choose maps that are marked with a 4 on the...
  11. Marin

    Resource Marin's Map Exporter

    Marin updated Marin's Map Exporter with a new update entry: Update v1.6 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Marin

    v20.1 Marin's Map Exporter - Update v1.6

    Fixed the plugin overriding the "Warp to map" debug option.
  13. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Round 3: Mapping The mappers for this round have been chosen! The following people will be creating the maps this round: 6: @Ekat 9: @Sipondo 11: @LuxDiablo 13: @AnonAlpaca 16: @TechSkylander1518 21: @Le Midarlarsupl 25: @Armin 27: @Bloom 28: @Sailorxraven 35: @Hornet 38: @ENLS 41: @aiyinsi...
  14. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Round 3: Election All round 2's maps have been made, and we've now got a region that looks like this: Now we start the Election phase of round 3! Please leave a message with your top 3 favorite maps that you would like to do. Note that you can only choose maps that are marked with a 3 on the...
  15. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    No problem, thanks for the headsup. @Sparta will make map 19 instead.
  16. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    @Scizor User and @King_Waluigi, the deadline for your maps was 7 hours ago. If you could please upload your map within the next 24 hours, I won't have to reassign your maps to someone else.
  17. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Round 2: Mapping The mappers for this round have been chosen! The following people will be creating the maps this round: 1: @SwaggyHere 3: @Verulanister 5: @Scizor User 12: @Sipondo 14: @PurpleZaffre 15: @Byliyth 17: @AceGamerAndy 19: @King_Waluigi 22: @MegaMew47 24: @rainefall 29...
  18. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Round 2: Election All round 1's maps have been made, and we've now got a region that looks like this: Now we start the Election phase of round 2! Please leave a message with your top 3 favorite maps that you would like to do. Note that you can only choose maps that are marked with a 2 on the...
  19. Marin

    Team Mapper TEAM MAPPER: Trial III

    Round 1: Mapping The mappers for this round have been chosen! The following people will be creating the maps this round: 4: @n1ck0411 8: @ENLS 18: @Sailorxraven 23: @Hornet 32: @Maurili 33: @Conmh 36: @Arma 42: @Tomix9tomix 48: @NocTurn You have 24 hours to create your map! When submitting...
  20. Marin

    Resource Marin's Map Exporter

    You're probably using RMXP's transparency color option, without actually having transparency in your images. That won't work, as it does not take RMXP's transparency color into account.