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Search results

  1. Voltseon

    Released Go Go Beasts!

    Go go power beasts
  2. Voltseon

    Released Pivot

    It's pivoting time
  3. Voltseon

    Game Jam Winter Game Jam 4: Recruitment

    [Recruiting] Looking to recruit: Spriters (Gen 4 Overworlds / Gen 4 Pokémon) Jam Entry Title: Pokémon and the First Wish Team Name/Team Members: @Voltseon @KennyCatches @ENLS Progress/Screenshots: Method of Contact: DM me, ENLS or Kenny on discord Voltseon#2012, ENLS#0001, KennyC#3093...
  4. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    Version 1.1.0 The newest version 1.1.0 is out now! It's mostly a feature and gameplay update, but it's sure to make the game 100% more fun! Changelog can be found here!
  5. Voltseon

    Resource Pokémon Emerald UI Pack

    Voltseon updated Pokémon Emerald UI Pack with a new update entry: Finished the Pokédex UI Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Voltseon

    v21.1 Pokémon Emerald UI Pack - Finished the Pokédex UI

    I held this off for a little bit. But I've finished the Pokédex UI, the screen now animates as you scroll through. As well as made it so the pokeball on the left rolls as you scroll (much like in emerald). The slider previously didn't work, which has been resolved. And finally added a custom UI...
  7. Voltseon

    v20.1 Voltseon's Overworld Encounters v1.1

    Voltseon's Overworld Encounters Encounter wild Pokémon from the overworld. Using this script you can have wild Pokémon appear in the overworld much like the more modern Official Pokémon Games like LGPE, SwSh, PLA and more recently SV. In order to use this script, please follow the installation...
  8. Voltseon

    Resource Voltseon's Overworld Encounters

    Voltseon submitted a new resource: Voltseon's Overworld Encounters - Encounter wild Pokémon from the overworld. Read more about this resource...
  9. Voltseon


  10. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    Go to Artemis City Gym
  11. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    Could you please specify? From what I can tell all the information on the wiki is accurate https://www.shatteredlight.wiki/items#moonstone
  12. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    We're up to v1.0.13 now, here's what has changed: Temporarily disabled overworld footprints since we suspect that it is cause a bunch of issues Fixed Gossifleur's following sprite, it no longer walks sideways Made sure that don't override overworld encounters A bunch of crashes have been fixed...
  13. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    The game has been updated to v1.0.12! We are trying to slow down patches to give people more time to report bugs and to play the game without being interrupted by patch-updates, for that reason we will try our best to slow down our updates. If you do find any bugs please report them under this...
  14. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    Hi there, thanks for your post. There is this file in the Data folder called PluginScripts.rxdata that handles the pause menu, the sprite resizing, following pokemon etc. What I believe is happening is when you hit F12 to soft reset it deletes this file causing these issues to appear. Instead of...
  15. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    Update time! There have been a few patches since the last update post, the game is currently on version 1.0.10. Here's a list of changes since v1.0.5: Fixed a crash that happened when you tried to fish Added the version number in the bottom left of the title screen Fixed a crash that would...
  16. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    Sorry for such a quick succession of updates, there are a lot of bugs being found haha. I've updated the game to version 1.0.5. Changes since 1.0.2: Fixed where exiting the vending machine by clicking back would instead purchase a moo moo milk Increased the obedience levels for trade and gift...
  17. Voltseon

    Completed Pokémon Shattered Light

    This has been fixed in the newest update