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Search results

  1. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    You can find the Razor Claw in the deeper levels of Frosty Cavern after you get Surf, and you can trade a regular Slowpoke for a Galarian Slowpoke with a woman on the first floor of the Cincoast Department Store.
  2. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    Alright, here comes a (moderately) big update, that finally completes the game in terms of content. So far the Postgame content only included legendary encounters, this new update adds some additional story, but mostly acts as a wraparound segment for a variety of challenging double battles...
  3. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    After the events in Castaway Cavern head back to Forlorn Ilse and talk to Jackson on the beach.
  4. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    Well that would be one way but there's a lot of fighting types. Oh, that's a list alright. Pretty sure Sonic Boom has something to do with that Voltorb having Soundproof, since it worked fine on other trainers, I'll check it out. All Gems currently power up any moves regardless of types, but...
  5. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    Riolu can't be found in the wild, only Lucario. Though I'm shuffling around some encounters for the next release, mostly to get rid of unnecessary doubles, so maybe I can get Riolu in there somewhere. I know, but when you try to make every Pokemon obtainable in a game, some of them are gonna...
  6. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    You can find Lucario in the snowfield of Marivell Peak.
  7. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thank you. I don't know which one you're missing, one is just off right to the bridge to Route 7, one is just a little into Route 7 behind a tree, one is in the far south of the city, where you can walk that small line behind a set of trees, and one is hiding...
  8. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    There might be a mix-up where he uses the wrong assigned team, I'll look into it.
  9. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    That is not normal. Was it only the starter that changed or was the rest of his team different as well?
  10. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    That's trade is only possible if you come back later with a bred one.
  11. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    Zigzagoon itself cannot be caught, but you can catch Linoone in Paladin Tunnel. If you're looking for other encounters, there's an encounter table linked in the first post.
  12. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    A new version with a few fixes has been made available in the OP. (I updated both the Mega and the mediafire link) However, if you have already played a bit into the game and just want to update, please read the following: There is a slight issue with the new version. When I was testing out the...
  13. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    A new version has been uploaded, simply because in the previous version a mapping error blocked the road at Route 10, which should be all fixed with this one now.
  14. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    I uploaded a new download link for a new version of the game. This one should fix the bugs that have reported to me so far*, while also implementing EBDX and a more stylish Pause menu by Voltseon. There are no balance changes in this one, I'll do that in a future release. *the Coin Case bug is...
  15. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    There is a Trader that allows you to trade your regular Farfetch'd for a galarian one, evolution method is just like in the main game. That Trader is however in Omegata Town, which is the last Town you'll visit in the game.
  16. Never_this_again

    Completed Pokemon Rising Earth

    Pokemon Method Evolution Poliwhirl Use Dawn Stone Politoed Kadabra Level 38 Alakazam Machoke Level 42 Machamp Graveler Level 40 Golem Slowpoke Use Water Stone Slowking Magneton Use Thunder Stone Magnezone Haunter Level 40 Gengar Onix Level 40 Steelix Rhydon Level 59 Rhyperior...