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Search results

  1. A.I.R

    v20.1 The Forme Pack (Deprecated) 1.2

    Ever wanted an Eevee that doesn't evolve but change forms. Here it is. The Successor of Eevee, Forme! Everything of a Forme is same as Eevee. But, Forme can change its formm millions of time where Eevee can't Be reverted in Another Evolution. [/SPOILER]Whats Included? Note: This pack...
  2. A.I.R

    Resource Badgecase

    The ZUD plugin,Terastal Phenoemon. In a word all plugin Released by Lucidious89.
  3. A.I.R

    Resource Badgecase

    The badgecase doesn't support animated Pokemon. Maybe you can add a specific folder for Ace pokemon or add support for Animated bitmap using EBDXWrapper(Which is Included in Gen 8 Pack). I think this is the Best icon for the badgecase to use with VPM. @roei110 (From Pixelmon)