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Search results

  1. A.I.R

    Resource Badgecase

    🤭I'm afraid thats me.
  2. A.I.R

    Resource Badgecase

    This updates hears like really cool! Having a PBS file is more easy for beginners. But still No icon for VPM.
  3. A.I.R

    v21.1 (v19+)Fly animation - The script has Been Updated to Fix the Bug with Followers Event.

    V2.0 (Should be 1.0-BugFix). Fixes a small bug.
  4. A.I.R

    Resource (v19+)Fly animation

    A.I.R updated Fly animation For v20.1 with a new update entry: The script has Been Updated to Fix the Bug with Followers Event. Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. A.I.R

    Resource (v19+)Fly animation

    Another Update is the way,stay tuned!
  6. A.I.R

    Resource Bag Screen with interactable Party

    Bug! Bug! Bug! When I open the sell menu in pokemart (where player sells items to the clerk). This error message is found. Another arguments error. Its in UI_Pokemart sellscreen2.
  7. A.I.R

    Resource Reincarnation

    This resource is for v20.1 right? But as far as I know Nuzlocke X is not SUPPORTED in v20.1,than how did you add support for it?
  8. A.I.R

    v21.1 (v19+)Fly animation 3.0.1

    Fly animation by KleinStudio, Updated for v19+ by me. Gen 3 style:(With Default Animation time) Gen 4 Style:(With Default Animation time) Download Installtion Notes for v19 only: Replace [003]HM Handlers.rb with HiddenMoveHandlers::UseMove.add(:FLY,proc { |move,pokemon| if...
  9. A.I.R

    Resource (v19+)Fly animation

    A.I.R submitted a new resource: Fly animation For v20.1 - Fly animation by KleinStudio, Updated for version 20.1 by me. Read more about this resource...
  10. A.I.R

    Map First Map on the go!

    This is my starter town. Made using the tileset from PSDK. Ideas for improvements will be appreciated.
  11. A.I.R

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests 2.0

    Does anyone still have this resouce downloaded? This resource needs to be reuploaded by anyone. https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=455111
  12. A.I.R

    v20.1 The Forme Pack (Deprecated) - The Plain Stone

    Added a new Item called ""PLain stone that transforms Forme to Normal Form.
  13. A.I.R

    Resource The Forme Pack (Deprecated)

    A.I.R updated The Forme Pack with a new update entry: The Plain Stone Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. A.I.R

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests 2.0

    Does anyone know how to make the pokedex intractable with mouse using Luka's ESMS?
  15. A.I.R

    Resource The Forme Pack (Deprecated)

    It works for me. You can also try vpn. I use Vpns a lot cuz Mediafire Downloads are not available in my country. But here is a 1 day temporary link. https://file.io/COVOXkcISW5b
  16. A.I.R

    Resource Essentials PBS Editor Program

    @Marin do you plan to update it to v20.1
  17. A.I.R

    v20.1 The Forme Pack (Deprecated) - New Forms and More

    As I was Missing some Eeveelutions. I decided to update it once again. In this new update:- Added forms:- Espeon Umbreon Sylveon Aslo Added icons for Form Changer. This Introduces 3 more form changers Sun Form Changer - Forme becomes Espeon Moon Form Changer - Forme becomes Umbreon Shiny...
  18. A.I.R

    Resource The Forme Pack (Deprecated)

    A.I.R updated The Forme Pack with a new update entry: New Forms and More Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. A.I.R

    whats that?

    whats that?
  20. A.I.R

    Resource The Forme Pack (Deprecated)

    A.I.R submitted a new resource: The Forme Pack - The successor of Eevee. Forme! Who doesn't evolve but change forms. Get it for only $1M for now. Read more about this resource...