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Search results

  1. A.I.R

    Resource Randomizer X (v20+ port)

    Can you give a link or a zip of the Item find Plugin?
  2. A.I.R

    Resource Randomizer X (v20+ port)

    Are you sure? There seems to be no problem when I tested it in vanilla Essentials. The problem seems to be with Item find or Charms case plugins.
  3. A.I.R

    Resource Modular Pause Menu (v21.1 Port)

    Enhanced UI and Modular Menu are conflicting the method pbStartPokemonMenu. I will look in it at a later time, untill then you can stop using one of these two.
  4. A.I.R

    Resource Randomizer X (v20+ port)

    It's a port, so I have no intention of adding new feature without permission of Luka, as he is still active in the community.
  5. A.I.R

    v21.1 Randomizer X (v20+ port) 1.0.1

    Randomizer X by Luka S.J. updated for Essentials v20+ by A.I.R Features Randomize Trainer parties Randomize Wild encounters Randomize Static encounters Randomize Gifted Pokémon Randomize found/given Items How to Use? To start your randomizer session, simply run the following command...
  6. A.I.R

    Resource Randomizer X (v20+ port)

    A.I.R submitted a new resource: Randomizer X (v20+ port) - Randomizer for Pokemon Essentials by Luka S.J., port for v20+ by A.I.R Read more about this resource...
  7. A.I.R

    Resource Modular Pause Menu (v21.1 Port)

    A.I.R submitted a new resource: Modular Pause Menu (v21.1 Port) - Famous Modular Pause Menu by Luka S.J., ported to v21.1 by A.I.R Read more about this resource...
  8. A.I.R

    v21.1 Modular Pause Menu (v21.1 Port) 1.5

    Here of a port of MODMN by Luka S.J. for v21.1. You can find documentation about how to use at official Luka S.J. Site. https://luka-sj.com/res/MODMN/docs Requires the following: Luka's Scripting Utilities [ v 3.2 ]
  9. A.I.R

    Resource B2W2 Bag (Updated)

    Hotfix uploaded.
  10. A.I.R

    v21.1 B2W2 Bag (Updated) - Text alignment fixed.

    Fixed Item name text misalignment.
  11. A.I.R

    Resource B2W2 Bag (Updated)

    A.I.R updated B2W2 Bag (Updated) with a new update entry: Text alignment fixed. Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. A.I.R

    Resource B2W2 Bag (Updated)

    I will post a fix soon.
  13. A.I.R

    Resource B2W2 Bag (Updated)

    Mega stones/Mega Evolution is already part of base essentials, so basically they are, The ZUD plugin (which adds Z moves) is still not updated for v21, after it will be updated, I have a look.
  14. A.I.R

    v21.1 B2W2 Bag (Updated) 1.3 for v21.1

    I present presented you an updated version of LackDejurane's B2W2 Bag resource for v16-v19. But, the original one has been updated by LackDejurane already for v21.1. So use that folks. (https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/661/)
  15. A.I.R

    Resource B2W2 Bag (Updated)

    A.I.R submitted a new resource: B2W2 Bag (Updated) - B2W2 Bag for v21, Updated from LackDejurane's resource. Read more about this resource...
  16. A.I.R

    Resource Pokemon Gaia Tileset- Compiled

    A.I.R updated Pokemon Gaia Tileset- Compiled with a new update entry: Autotiles! Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. A.I.R

    Tiles Pokemon Gaia Tileset- Compiled - Autotiles!

    Added a few autotiles. Note: Some of the Autotiles have a few pixels missing, which doesn't make a big differance or looks bad. Only those were added. Water tiles are not here as they would require heavy editing. You can expect them later.
  18. A.I.R

    Resource Pokemon Gaia Tileset- Compiled

    Gen 4 (Sorry for late reply).
  19. A.I.R

    Tiles Pokemon Gaia Tileset- Compiled - Missing! No way.

    Added a few tiles that went missing after the last update.
  20. A.I.R

    Resource Pokemon Gaia Tileset- Compiled

    A.I.R updated Pokemon Gaia Tileset- Compiled with a new update entry: Missing! No way. Read the rest of this update entry...