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Search results

  1. T

    Resource Pokémon Amie

    Incredible... I'd love to see a port to v21, but this is fantastic regardless!
  2. T

    Resource rainefallPortraits

    May I see an example of this script in an event? I,m trying to figure this plugin out. It looks fantastic!
  3. T

    Overview Tutorials and Resources Requests 2.0

    I believe an update for the Pokemon Amie script for v21 is long overdue.
  4. T

    Resource Voltseon's Multiplayer Solution

    Holy crap. Now I hope we can figure out ways to transfer Pokemon or generate them for competitive like in official games.
  5. T

    Resource Modular UI Scenes [v21.1]

    thanks. massive brainfart of mine
  6. T

    Resource Modular UI Scenes [v21.1]

    It can't seem to tell I installed a newer version of modular ui than 1.03.
  7. T

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    Thanks, I'll check it out!
  8. T

    Resource Following Pokemon EX

    I wonder if it's possible to use this in 21.1
  9. T

    Throwing Stories into the Wind

    I have a few ideas for my game so far: One of the main villains is a subversion of the usual rival/friend who's mysterious at first but has a sad backstory, who befriends the player over time, has a garbage parent and leaves the region. Except here, said character is the main villain for 2/3...
  10. T

    Freelance [COMMISSION] Coding/Scripting for Pokemon Essentials

    Incredible... I know I'm gonna need your help eventually, because your work looks incredible
  11. T

    Resource Generation 9 Resource Pack [v21.1] (Updated with Indigo Disk contents)

    I'm mad there's no v21 variant of this... It looks genuinely nice
  12. T

    I'm thinking about turning some (in)famous Pokemon fanfiction into a fully playable fangame

    You may have to talk to the fans who wrote it directly.
  13. T

    Freelance closed comissions

    I'm working on my project and I gotta look into your work, it looks great! Don't be afraid to join me on Discord if you're interested:thebigguy270#2761
  14. T

    Would it be jarring to combine gen 4 tilesets with gen 5 sprites?

    I'm struggling to find good gen 5 tilesets, and I am wondering what you guys think of this workaround.
  15. T

    Discussion what is something that you wanna see in a fangame that hasn't already been done?

    Continuing the story of past games, or closing some plot threads from past games. XD had a sequel tease that never amounted to anything through Ardos' threat to the player, Lusamine's recovery is not shown in SM... I dunno, maybe getting attached to the human cast was a mistake.
  16. T

    Resource Animated Sprites for vanilla Essentials

    The new portrait resource says it's for v20.1, but it's not updated to say it's compatible with it. Is that the case?