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Search results

  1. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    Do you think you could still send me the .anm files? I want to take a look at them and see if I can make some scripts to update them to the current Essentials version. My Discord username is krlw890, and is probably the best place to send them to me if Relic Castle won't let you.
  2. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    KRLW890 updated The Gen 9 Move Animation Project with a new update entry: New moves and SRGB issues resolved Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. KRLW890

    Animations The Gen 9 Move Animation Project - New moves and SRGB issues resolved

    Updated graphics to fix SRGB issues and added the following moves: Thief Celebrate Malignant Chain Psyblade Thunderclap
  4. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    We still have those SRGB issues and it would be great to fix that! A few graphics have been modified, mostly some general ones to add new elements to them for new moves. Do you think you could run that script on the current graphics? We'd really appreciate it. The Gen 8 project had a good...
  5. KRLW890

    Animations The Gen 9 Move Animation Project 2024-08-09

    This project is a successor to the discontinued Gen 8 Move Animation Project led by St. Cooler, which itself was an extension of Pokemon Reborn's animations. However, this isn't just the Gen 8 project with Gen 9 moves added! The Gen 8 project had very little organization for how it ordered the...
  6. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 9 Move Animation Project

    KRLW890 submitted a new resource: The Gen 9 Move Animation Project - That's right, we're animating every official move Read more about this resource...
  7. KRLW890


  8. KRLW890

    Creative Scarlet/Violet Sprite Project (SPOILERS)

    Gen 4-style backsprites for Archaludon and a few others
  9. KRLW890

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    No. I made this primarily for my own game, which uses v20. And one of the big improvements from v20 to v21 was the AI, so v21 doesn't need it as badly as v20 did/does.
  10. KRLW890

    v20.1 Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1 - v1.2.2 - Bug fixes

    Fixed a bug that could cause the AI to skip the opponent's turn in niche circumstances.
  11. KRLW890

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    KRLW890 updated Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1 with a new update entry: v1.2.2 - Bug fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. KRLW890

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    By default, Essentials already has all trainers save the last Pokemon in their party for last.
  13. KRLW890

    Creative Scarlet/Violet Sprite Project (SPOILERS)

    Is it Hydrapple time? I think it's Hydrapple time.
  14. KRLW890

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    Hi, thanks for reporting this. This is actually an issue I found and fixed a while ago, but turns out I never posted the update that fixed that, my bad! Just uploaded a new version that fixes this bug and makes the AI more sensitive to certain held items.
  15. KRLW890

    v20.1 Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1 - v1.2.1 - bug fixes + items

    Fixed a bug that could skip the opponent's turn and made the AI more responsive to certain held items: An opponent holding Heat, Damp, Smooth or Icy Rock will be much more likely to select the corresponding weather-setting move if it knows the move. An opponent holding Light Clay will be much...
  16. KRLW890

    Resource Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1

    KRLW890 updated Improved Battle AI for Essentials v20.1 with a new update entry: v1.2.1 - bug fixes + items Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. KRLW890

    Recruiting Pokémon Blooming Beast recruitment - playtesters + writers

    After losing your gym leader title a year ago, you decide to head to a new region with hopes of becoming a gym leader once again, only to find yourself enveloped in a region-spanning conspiracy. Pokémon Blooming Beast features highly reactive dynamic dialogue that encourages players to ask each...
  18. KRLW890

    Creative Scarlet/Violet Sprite Project (SPOILERS)

    Updated Dipplin backsprite now that we have a better view of its model. Moved tail to the left and added a hole in the apple.
  19. KRLW890

    Creative Scarlet/Violet Sprite Project (SPOILERS)

    Edit: added shiny apple Edit 2: I think I'm going to change Dipplin's sprite a little bit. The official model has the tail off to the left side and an extra hole in the apple. I'll update back here when I've made the changes. Apple boi Also, birds. Upscaled from leParagon's 64x64 sprites to...
  20. KRLW890

    Resource The Gen 4-Style Gen 5 and Beyond Backsprite Resource

    I'm not the organizer, but I've been contributing to this project through the Smogon thread for almost a year now. The "rules" for submitting sprites are pretty loose: Make sure you credit the original creator if you're offering sprites you didn't create yourself. Sprites should be either 80x80...