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Resources by Aki

Ready to use Tilesets Aki
Tiles Ready to use Tilesets 2017-02-18
Tilesets compiled from a single artist's public work, ready to use in Essentials
Animating Sprites: Aki's method Aki
Getting your pixel art to move around; focused more on the technique than certain programs
Fogs and Panoramas Aki
Fogs and Panoramas 2017-05-25
Learning how to get really fancy with your game's visuals
Free Battle UI Aki
GUI Free Battle UI 2017-03-30
Want to some UI other than default? Here's a few to choose from
How to request/commission someone for your project Aki
Making games takes so much time, wouldn't it be easier with some help?
Quick Anatomy Tips Aki
Quick Anatomy Tips 2017-02-27
For drawing or spriting, here are the basics done quick
Free Summary Screens Aki
GUI Free Summary Screens 2017-02-18
Want to some UI other than default? Here's a few to choose from
How Tilesets work in Essentials Aki
All the basics and some tricks to know when starting out
Game Aesthetics Aki
Game Aesthetics 2017-02-16
Make everyone swoon over your beautiful screenshots