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v20.1 Better Itemfinder 1.0.0

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v20.1 ➖
'ello once again this time i present an alternate version of the Itemfinder.

complete overhaul

Showcase turning it on and picking up a hidden item :

Showcase to prevent it showing up durin "cutscenes" like for example door events in this case :

Important Information:

In this script you have 2 methods which update/enable the itemfinder to work or disable it you can call these with bIdisable and bIrefresh.
This means you should add a bIdisable to all indoor events leading outside like this :

and a bIrefresh to all 2nd pages of the door event outsides like this:

The Itemfinder is disabled during moveroutes and move_completion but if you have some cutscenes you can use these methods there as well to regulate them better.



Download this file unzip it and paste it into your Plugins folder.
Download this file unzip it and paste it into your Plugins folder.

Then open up your Items.txt and add a new item to it(replace the 690 with a valid ID number if you've already used it before) :
690,ITEMFINDEROFF,Itemfinder,Itemfinders,8,0,"A device used for finding items. If there is a hidden item nearby when it is used, it emits a signal.",2,0,6,

Then cut the ITEMFINDEROFF.png image from the Plugins folder and paste it into Graphics/Items.

Lastly cut the BI folder and paste it into Graphics/Pictures.
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. v20.1 update

    updated the download link and changed the instructions a bit since the graphics should be pulled...
  2. Update to v20 and complete overhaul

    Updated this to v20 basically rewritten it added tons of new stuff updated graphics. Going to...
  3. quick fix some unnecessary files have been removed [v1.0]

    removed some leftover graphics from the plugins folder