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v20.1 Randomized Trainer Teams (RTT) 1.1.0

This resource pertains to version 20.1 of Pokémon Essentials.
Pokémon Essentials Version
v20.1 ➖
Tips fedora
Hello there
so i saw this Idea in the Suggestions thread and thought it was a pretty cool idea and decided to have a go at it and after a bit of struggling and some good help from @Vendily and @Maruno it now seems to work.
So special thanks to both of them!
Also credit to @Keyacom for the Idea in the Suggestions thread.

How it works:
This Resource enables you to generate random Pokemon Trainer Teams generated out of a pool of Pokemon that you yourself can set.

You can also set an n amount of Pokemon to be randomized into the Trainers Party while adding an n amount of Guaranteed Pokemon to said party.

v20.1 Download :
v19.1 Download : here
Download the script then unzip it and paste the Randomized Trainer Teams folder into your Plugins folder then proceed by opening the Randomized Trainer Teams.txt/.rb.

If you open up the Randomized Trainer Teams.txt/.rb file you are gonna spot the "Config" at the top of that file.

Inside of that there is the variable NoSoftReset = true if you want all trainers to randomize every time a battle starts set this variable to false.

This means that if you save in front of a Trainer and you start a fight with them their Team is going to be different every time, so you can basically soft-reset until it's an easy team, but it also means the Player can't really make preparations for this fight since it's going to be different each try.

If the variable is set to NoSoftReset = true what it should be when you open it then every Trainer is generated once per save file which means that if you save in front of him his team is gonna stay the same every time.

While adding NumPkmn = n to the Trainer.pbs always add it ABOVE the Pokemon and if you add Guaranteed = n always add it ABOVE the Pokemon and BELOW NumPkmn = n.

Also adding only Guaranteed = n is useless and might break the script it's either only NumPkmn = n or NumPkmn = n and Guaranteed = n together.

Also Guaranteed = n is going from top to bottom so depending on it's value the top 1 to n pokemon can be guaranteed.

If you want to have a normal Team without any randomizing just don't add NumPkmn = n to that Trainer.

As example here i set NumPkmn to 2 which means the Trainers Party will have 2 random Pokemon out of the list bellow while i set Guaranteed to 1 which means the Pokemon at the top of the List is gonna be guaranteed in the Trainer's Party so in the End the Party is gonna have 3 Pokemon the Guaranteed on top in this case DIGLETT and then 2 more randomly generated Pokemon out of the Pokemon bellow DIGLETT so in this case 2 Pokemon out of : BONSLY, BURMY, WINGULL and ELECTABUZZ.

First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Essentials Deluxe compatibility

    Updated the v20.1 download link. Now the .rar file includes a RTT Essentilas Deluxe Patch.rb if...
  2. Update to v20.1

    Updated the download link.
  3. Update to v20

    Script now works with v20 of Essentials. I'll just add the download link for v20 for now and...

Latest reviews

Adds that little something extra that can make a good game great.
I was manually creating 4 versions of every trainer in my game to give a hint of randomization; this just saved me so much effort!
Works perfectly. Just what I needed. Here's some random wor