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  • Apologies if you've had troubles connecting to the site, you may need a VPN to access it. Staff are also facing issues connecting, so if it's urgent please message Cat on-site or through Discord directly.
  • Hey Guest, staff applications are open! If you are interested in becoming a forum staff member and/or Discord staff member, please apply through this Google Form before April 2! You can also message Cat with any questions.
The Gen 4-Style Gen 5 and Beyond Backsprite Resource

Battlers The Gen 4-Style Gen 5 and Beyond Backsprite Resource 1.0

This resource consists, or mainly consists, of battlers, also known as Pokemon battle sprites.
Sorry for leaving this project for very long. I did not want to abandon this just yet.
Alas, I finally have the next wave for you guys:

-Added sprites for Clauncher line
-Added sprites for Skwovet line
-Added sprites for Blipbug line
-Added sprites for Rolycoly line
-Added sprites for Applin line
-Added sprites for Perrserker
-Added sprites for Cursola
-Added sprites for Falinks
-Added sprites for Gigantamax Coalossal
-Added sprites for Ursaluna
-Added sprites for Hisuian Decidueye
-Added sprites for Cetitan
-Added sprites for Cyclizar
-Torracat gets a revamp
-Kleavor gets a revamp
-Hisuian Typhlosion gets fixes

Download is updated as it has been.
It's been another while, but I am back with more Kalos revamps:

-Added sprites for Zygarde (10%)
-Added sprites for Diancie
-Noibat line gets a new sprite
-Goodra gets a revamp
-Zygarde (Full Power) gets a revamp
-Hoopa gets a revamp
-Volcanion gets a revamp

All content are updated as usual.
  • Like
Reactions: ImZero
It has been a while, but I am back with a new Kalos update:

-Added sprites for Pancham
-Added sprites for Dedenne
-Added sprites for Xerneas (Neutral)
-Xerneas gets an overhaul
-Yveltal gets an overhaul
-Zygarde gets an overhaul

All content are updated as usual.
  • Like
Reactions: ImZero
Time for another update, for Kalos this time:

-Added sprites for Aromatisse
-Added sprites for Swirlix line
-Added sprites for Noibat
-Fixed sprite for Dragalge
-Noivern gets an overhaul

All content are updated as usual.
  • Like
Reactions: ImZero
Finally back with another wave, this time with the Ultra Beast thanks to Prodigal again (and with a few others).

-Added sprites for Hawlucha
-Added sprites for Nihilego
-Added sprites for Xurkitree
-Added sprites for Celesteela
-Added sprites for Kartana
-Added sprites for Guzzlord
-Added sprites for Poipole line
-Added sprites for Stakataka
-Added sprites for Blacephalon
-Added sprites for Zeraora
-Buzzwole gets a brief edit
-Gigantamax Venusaur gets a brief edit
-Pheromosa gets a color overhaul

All content are updated as usual.
Time for another wave, earlier than usual this time:

-Added sprites for Bewear
-Added sprites for Buzzwole
-Added sprites for Pheromosa
-Added sprites for Galarian Zapdos
-Added sprites for Galarian Moltres

All content are updated as usual.
Still busy as usual; but here are some more to offer:

-Added sprites for Hoopa (Unbound)
-Added sprites for Sneasler
-Added sprites for Overqwil
-Fixed the sprites for Hisuian Sneasel, while adding a female variant
-Fixed the sprites for Hisuian Qwilfish

All content have been updated as well.
  • Like
Reactions: Fobby
I have been busy for quite a while, but here is what I can currently offer:
-Added sprites for Pangoro
-Added sprites for Silvally and its forms

Download is updated as usual.

Also, if anybody needs it, here is a sprite sheet of all current sprites so far:


Individual sets are included in the download inside the "Spritesheets" folder.
Long time no see! I got a brief Mega and Legends: Arceus update this time.

-Added sprites for Mega Tyranitar
-Added sprites for Kleavor
-Mega Steelix gets an overhaul
-Mega Scizor gets a brief edit
-Hisuian Typhlosion gets an overhaul

Download is updated as usual.
Another quick update has arrived! Here are the new ones:

-Added sprites for Mega Latias
-Added sprites for Mega Latios
-Added sprites for Goomy
-Added sprites for Sliggoo
-Added sprites for Hisuian Sliggoo
-Added sprites for Mudbray
-Added sprites for Mudsdale
-Added sprites for Bounsweet
-Added sprites for Steenee
-Added sprites for Tsareena
-Added sprites for Grookey
-Added sprites for Sobble
-Added sprites for Sinistea
-Added sprites for Galarian Stunfisk
-Mega Gallade gets an overhaul
-Sizzlipede gets an overhaul
-Centiskorch gets an overhaul

Download is updated as usual.