- Pokémon Essentials Version
- v16.2 ➖
A super tiny script for direction message-board pop-ups. The graphics are supposed to be changed (as they're quite bad), but here's what it could look like:
The graphics are 100% changeable and should be dynamic with any screen size.
Put the following sprites in the respective folders.
That's all. You can paste it in a new script section or anywhere else.
Here are a few examples:
Resource suggested by AceTrainerGresh.
The graphics are 100% changeable and should be dynamic with any screen size.
Put the following sprites in the respective folders.
That's all. You can paste it in a new script section or anywhere else.
def pbDirBoard(text, dir = nil, speed = 16, windowskin = "directionBoard")
vp = Viewport.new(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
vp.z = 99999
sp = {}
sp[:box] = Sprite.new(vp)
sp[:box].bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Windowskins/#{windowskin}")
sp[:box].y = Graphics.height
sp[:bmp] = Sprite.new(vp)
sp[:bmp].bitmap = Bitmap.new(Graphics.width, Graphics.height)
sp[:bmp].z = 1
drawTextEx(sp[:bmp].bitmap,32,Graphics.height - sp[:box].bitmap.height / 2 - 16,
sp[:bmp].y += sp[:box].bitmap.height
sp[:dir] = Sprite.new(vp)
sp[:dir].bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/board#{dir}")
sp[:dir].ox = sp[:dir].bitmap.width
sp[:dir].oy = sp[:dir].bitmap.height / 2
sp[:dir].y = Graphics.height - sp[:box].bitmap.height / 2
sp[:dir].x = Graphics.width - 48
rescue; end
sp[:dir].y += sp[:box].bitmap.height
speed.times do # Intro animation
sp[:box].y -= sp[:box].bitmap.height / speed
sp[:bmp].y -= sp[:box].bitmap.height / speed
sp[:dir].y -= sp[:box].bitmap.height / speed
loop do # Update input
break if Input.trigger?(Input::B) || Input.trigger?(Input::C) ||
Input.trigger?(Input::UP) || Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) ||
Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT) || Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
speed.times do # Outro animation
sp[:box].y += sp[:box].bitmap.height / speed
sp[:bmp].y += sp[:box].bitmap.height / speed
sp[:dir].y += sp[:box].bitmap.height / speed
Here are a few examples:
pbDirBoard("Eterna Forest")
pbDirBoard("Rusty Windmill", "Up", 8)
pbDirBoard("Rustboro City", "Left")
pbDirBoard("New Mauville", nil, 16, "directionBoard_2")
The directional arrows are supposed to be in Graphics/Pictures and they should start with "board". This will be a whole new direction - it's not bound to just "Left", "Right", "Up" or "Down". If you make a new graphic for "UpLeft", for instance, and call it "boardUpLeft" in your graphics folder, that'd be totally valid.
If you don't want to display an arrow, you can leave the second argument, "dir", empty. Look at Example 1 to see. You can also set the argument to "nil". Look at Example 4 to see.
The speed argument is for how fast the message box should slide into screen (along with the arrow and the message). This speed is also used for closing. (If you go too high, it may not slide all the way to the correct position.)
The windowskin used for the message box should be in Graphics/Windowskins.
If you don't want to display an arrow, you can leave the second argument, "dir", empty. Look at Example 1 to see. You can also set the argument to "nil". Look at Example 4 to see.
The speed argument is for how fast the message box should slide into screen (along with the arrow and the message). This speed is also used for closing. (If you go too high, it may not slide all the way to the correct position.)
The windowskin used for the message box should be in Graphics/Windowskins.
- Credits
- Marin