The resources I used for the Pokémon Smeargles demo!
Here is the demo to the game!
Here is the demo to the game!
- Credits
- Joroma
Ekat's Public Gen 3 Tilesets
1. Ekat
2. Heartless Dragoon
3. Morlockhater
4. Nemu
5. Ross Hawkins
6. Pokemon Dawn
7. Slimshady
8. Thedeadheroalistar
9. The-Red-Ex
10. Vurtax
11. Zein
12. Redblueyellow
13. Fabnt
Gen 8 Move Animation Project
Project lead by StCooler.
Contributors: StCooler, DarryBD99, WolfPP, ardicoozer, riddlemeree.
Thanks to the Reborn team for letting people use their resources.
You are awesome.
Thanks to BellBlitzKing for his Pokemon Sound Effects Pack:
Gen 1 to Gen 7 - All Attacks SFX.
The PMD Sprite Repository
Gulpin's Portrait: Chunsoft and Emmuffin
Bidoof's Portrait: Chunsoft, Fire_Scyther, and audinowho
Helioptile's Portrait: Nooga
Noctowl's Portrait: Chunsoft
Smeargle's Portrait: Chunsoft
The Gen 8 Project
Sprite Credits:
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites- Luka SJ (Static EBS Sprites)
Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites- All Contributors To Smogon X/Y Sprite Project
Gen 7 Pokemon Front Sprites-
All Contributors To Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project
Gen 8 Pokemon Front Sprites-
All Contributors To Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project
Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds- MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5,
Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513,
Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu,
2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer
Gen 6 Overworlds-princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintjeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88
Gen 7 Overworlds-Larry Turbo
Gen 8 Overworlds- SageDeoxys, Wolfang62
Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites- Alaguesia
Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites- Marin, MapleBranchWing,
Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository
Gen 8 Icon Sprites- Larry Turbo, Leparagon